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China launching constant attacks on U.S. military networks?

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 03:24
by Flash

Re: China launching constant attacks on U.S. military networ

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 04:02
by edoc
Shocking ... NOT.

They recognized our planned absurd over-reliance on satellites decades ago and have been developing satellite-killer technology that will blind us as we have decommissioned most of our old-technology backup communications.

They have studied the economy and are using cheap imports to gather huge stockpiles of US currency and are buying up steel and concrete all over the world to build their military industrial complex.

Of late they are also investing heavily in high tech and short-sighted greedy technology folks are helping them.

China is a scary enemy, and an inscrutible one as well.


BTW: How secure is Puppy anyhow?



Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 18:08
by klhrevolutionist
As if it did'nt matter!
The federal government is broke, the states are broke!
And if china wanted to bring us to our knees they would simply tell bush
to hand over their monies. China's overall investment in America is worth
about 3% that does'nt sound like a lot but it is. Saudia Arabia is also an investor in america.
they have 3% as well, if either one of these countries wanted to cash out.
Well, we have no money to give? So, they would'nt get nothing.
Thus creating an economic rippling effect echoed throughout the lands!
What does this mean? We are broke, our military is not easily expandable as it once was unless a draft arises! The easiest way to bounce back our economy would be to create yet another war!
Do not be surprised when this happens, it is an old trick used every time a president screws up.

The one thing I cannot understand though is how is our economy still stabilized?
Alan greenspan is also, puzzled by this.
If we are broke, and we owe more than we have. we have about four wars going on.
How is it possible that we still are not in a depression?
So, maybe the depression is next or another war to revitalize our ever weakening economy
it puzzles a lot of people, I am not the only skeptic. Go to the N.Y stock exchange
and mention "oil higher" and you will see the turmoil unfolding!
Our economy shook last week when cia operatives fired on our navy.
Look at how the prices soared!
We are very edgy these days. What is next?

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 18:26
by rarsa
And on this one Americans cannot blame Canada (as they've done with terrorism and the blackout and cheap lumber, etc)

We didn't vote for Bush. ;)

Re: ownership

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 20:13
by edoc
klhrevolutionist wrote: The one thing I cannot understand though is how is our economy still stabilized?
Because it is bigger than all of that. And because despite our rebellion Goid still chooses to use America and is preserving her.
klhrevolutionist wrote:Alan greenspan is also, puzzled by this.

He is old and tired and out of touch. He needs to retire.
klhrevolutionist wrote: Our economy shook last week when cia operatives fired on our navy.
CIA? You mean Al Queda do you not? The CIA does not fire on America vessels, they serve America. Did I miss something?


a lot to learn

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 20:23
by klhrevolutionist
edoc, my friend you have a lot to learn.
Two questions, did any of our government know that the manhattan project was going
on? Not until, the grateful cia told us. Secrets are never good!
I bet you think that the cubans sank the maine also?
Do you beleive evrything they teach you in school?
You are to trusting.
If you beleive in GOD and read the bible,
does HE not warn you of deception?
Look in the bible and read on how they plotted against JESUS.
You need to think outside the box
I suggest you read another favorite scripture of mine
Roman 12:2
I suggest you go to the government website that releases declassified
documents, you might be surprised at how much your governments love you!!!

here's one

Good intents

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 21:05
by Unknown
Maybe US is still lead in education and content, so the economy not going down.

But wait til your top guy announces that he prayd and recieved wisdom, another war will soon be in the works, and whom should be "saved" will instead d___ . China must knows very well US's military history.

Posted: Thu 25 Aug 2005, 21:08
by Flash
rarsa wrote:And on this one Americans cannot blame Canada (as they've done with terrorism and the blackout and cheap lumber, etc)

We didn't vote for Bush. ;)
Neither did over half the Americans who voted in 2000. :lol:

I figured this would provoke some comment. May I point out that all throughout the cold war the Soviets found out many of what we thought were our most important secrets, and yet we still won. There are no secrets, not really. On the other hand, the ability to bring down a network could be important. The place where I work simply ceases to function when our computers go down. We don't have a plan B. I hope the military does, and practices it regularly.

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2005, 03:51
by rarsa
At least I have a plan B at home for when the network is brought down. I still have board games around ;)

Posted: Fri 26 Aug 2005, 23:56
by Pizzasgood
All I have to say to any country that thinks they can pick on the United States of America is "Go ahead. Pee on the wire. See what happens." We are a country of argueing fools, but when something ticks us off we become a country of 295,734,134 battle ready people all united toward one objective. I don't give a crud who you are, we will rock you, because we are the champions, my friend :twisted:
So what if there are 1,306,313,812 Chinese peeps? They only out-number us by about four to one. If you think in terms of taking down at least four people before you fall, that's not too bad at all. You have to remember though, these are scrawny little under-fed Chinese people (no offense to any Chinese Puppy Peeps). Even with all our obesity, the average Joe is in better shape than the average Chun. And there's a cure for obesity. We call it boot camp :) Malnutrition, on the other hand, is a lot harder to fix. We also have plenty of friends around the world. They might be hesitant about a convoluted mess like Iraq, but if China actually attacked us, it would be pretty clear what's going down.
Now, as far as the Iraq deal goes, yeah, we had a little trouble at first. That was guerrilla warfare. We aren't fighting Iraq, we're fighting the insurgents. If China attacks, we go after a country, not a bunch of rats hiding among the innocent. When you know who your enemy is, it makes it that much easier to eliminate them. And even with the guerrillas, we have turned the tide. The media just doesn't pick up on it much because it doesn't sell as well (that kind of makes me wonder about my fellow countrymen. They'de rather read about loosing another soldier than about how we are winning....)
Our reliance on computer networks is vastly overstated. Go ahead and fry my computer. I'll just be more ticked off at you. I don't need it, but I enjoy it. I'll be the first to admit I'm a computer geek, but I don't need a computer. A gun works just fine without one. And do they really think our deepest, darkest secrets can even be accesed? I don't care how good of a virus you have, if a computer isn't connected to the network, they can't hack it. If I pull the plug on my DSL, I can still have my home network, but it is 100% impervious to the outside. The government's data is only at risk if it's on a network the Chinese can access. I somehow doubt Area 51's computers are on the net. Yeah, some might be, but they aren't connected to the computers with the spacecraft's specs. That would be shear stupidity. If a highschooler can see this, then the CIA sure can.

FYI, I 100% support the draft during wartime. Anyone who isn't willing to fight for their country when they need to should be tried for treason. I don't mean everyone needs to join the millitary, because not all people are made for the mill. But when there is a draft, if someone is drafted, they should just do it unless they have a darn good reason not to.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no fear whatsoever of the Chinese. All I'm worried about is that they will wind up getting themselves and some of us killed in a needless war. But they won't win. Back in 1776, a colony was pushed to far, and defeated one of the most powerful nations on the globe. We have since proven that it was no fluke. We come from a million walks of life, and a million professions, but that just means we are a million times as versatile, and a million times as strong.

So go ahead. Pee on the wire. See what hapens.

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 00:49
by syzygy
One such ally, that always follows the US into whatever conflict no matter how dubious the bona fides, is australia.

and how does the US treat it's mate. see link below:- ... /case1.asp

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 00:51
by ectoprocta
FYI to the world, not all Americans are warmongers. Peace, love, puppies and free granola.


Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 01:16
by raffy
Yes, the Americans (people of the US) are a friendly, peaceful, and pro-democracy flock, but there are people in the herd, like the military, who have a job to do. Why, there are a lot of Chinese scholars schooling in the US.

Let us just hope that these affairs are confined to purely defense-offense exercises.

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 01:28
by Pizzasgood
I'm no warmonger either. Most of us aren't. Generally, I try to forgive and forget, but if I am outrightly attacked, I attack back. For small stuff, I turn the other cheek when I can, but I only have two cheeks. And some things don't fit on a cheek. I don't want to fight, but if I have to, I'll make whoever's fighting me regret it. I'm not out to get the Chinese, nor do I have anything against them. I don't have anything against anyone unless they have something against me. If China decides to change this condition and attack, I'll defend myself. The same as if France or Canada attacked. I'm fine with them now, but I'll defend myself against them if I need to. When it comes to them or me, I'm not going to be the one who winds up as a glowing puddle on the ground.

Also, If that post (or this one for that matter) was a little strong, sorry, I was revved up. I still am. :) Especially since Baracouta is playing on the radio right now. That's just my stance when it comes to defending myself and my country.

And if the CIA has been naughty to you or your country, I'm deeply sorry. The CIA, and government, for that matter, is not the U.S. as a whole. I disagree with a lot of what the government says/does/doesn't-do. But I'll still support this nation to the end.

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 12:54
by rarsa
Pizzas, what are you fed every morning? Fox news?

I won't argue with you because I know that you have limited access to information and there is too much indoctrination in the US.

I'm always surprised when inteligent people eat all your president's lies.

Something you have to learn as a highschooler is that to form an opinion you need to investigate and read different points of view, even outright oposing views.

To put it in geeky terms: Media outlets are like linux distributions. You start with one, but to really take advantage of it you need to go to other distributions to find what's better, eventually you will have your own installation (opinion) that will have the best (for you) of them all.

With media, it is necessary to speak or read other languages, know history and geography. All subjects that are a handicap for most Americans given your school curriculum.

So, go out, read left and right, red and blue, german, spanish and arab. Learn to listen to dissenting views and you'll be able to form a better opinion than the one you have right now.

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 12:55
by BarryK
Now, as far as the Iraq deal goes, yeah, we had a little trouble at first. That was guerrilla warfare. We aren't fighting Iraq, we're fighting the insurgents. If China attacks, we go after a country, not a bunch of rats hiding among the innocent. When you know who your enemy is, it makes it that much easier to eliminate them. And even with the guerrillas, we have turned the tide. The media just doesn't pick up on it much because it doesn't sell as well
We certainly don't get that impression from watching the news on tv, reading the paper, tv documentaries...

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2005, 18:48
by Pizzasgood
For your information, I eat a healthy bowl of "Bitesized Frosted Mini-Wheats" for breakfast.

What I have seen on the news was a bunch of complaining about how bad the situation was, then a sort of fade from it. Like, when we were suffering heavy casualties, it was big news, but now that we're doing well, it's no big deal. I don't watch the news frequently, though, so I might have missed something. Everything I've seen anywhere from an actual soldier has indicatd that we're on the right track, though.

I don't blame you for not trusting the government. I don't either. I am in no way trying to claim they are right or truthfull. I basically don't trust anything if I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I know a lot of my knowledge is probably biased, skewered, or out of date, but my point was not really to talk about Iraq, because I know I don't know what's really going on, but to say that Iraq and China are different situations. (Unless China attacked, but the majority of the people didn't want to, and you can guess the rest....)

I also have a strong patriotic streak, and a strong defensive streak. I hate violence (Real violence, that is. Not video games or movies, because anyone who confuses them with reality has a problem), and I'll try to run before I fight back, but if I'm forced to fight, I'll smear the other guy's face in the pavement before I let him beat me. See? That was part of it, right there. If I think about being attacked, I start revving up. Thinking about China trying to attack the U.S. hit both of them, because an attack on my country is an attack on me. I don't want to fight China, but if they fire on me, I'll fire back.

As far as government corruption goes, the way I see it is nobody's perfect. Our government might have it's problems, but so do all other governments. Except maybe for some small, one-horse country that's not big enough to be corrupt. The reason is because humans aren't perfect. As long as we try to lead ourselves, there will be corruption somewhere. The more people in the government, the more corrupt it can get. Having a democracy helps, but it will still wind up with some people who just want power. I won't deny we have our problems, but I would still rather live here than anywhere else.

If it's any consolation, Austrailia is pretty high up (top three) on my list of countries I'd go if I had to leave the U.S. :wink:

Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2005, 01:13
by syzygy
there's one big area where australia & the USA are in competition & that's to be world obesity champions. At moment we've only got silver to US's gold, but we're chomping away on junk food to become champs.

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2005, 07:36
by LittleSpooky
Pizza: Oz or NZ would be prime places.

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2005, 12:17
by keenerd
At the risk of feeding the fire...

This message board is a very friendly place, but between this and a recent bit on religion, some troll-ish tendancies are starting to surface. Could we play nice and not post stuff just to make trouble?