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Sloooow developent of CoolPup...

Posted: Fri 29 Jun 2007, 08:50
by jimhap
Yes it's slow.

I am using the 2.14 core, but I've decided to go use 2.16.1 now...

And to make it more interesting, I am 2000 miles away from home!
(The files are on the desktop computer, and I don't have a laptop...)


Could anyone help me with development?
One of the things I need to do is to make a script to copy the base packages to a folder called "basepkg" (no quotes).

Starts like this:

Code: Select all


# This will be executed while in the "packages" directory of the
# Puppy 2.16.1 Unleashed directory....

# Make the folder...
echo "Checking if the folder exists....
ls basepkg

if [ $? = 1 ]

echo "It doesn't exist! We will create it...."
mkdir basepkg

echo "It already exists...."

echo "Now we will copy files...."

cp --target-directory=./basepkg/ \
[u][b][i]BASE DOTPUPS GO HERE FOLLWED BY A BACKSLASH(\).....[/i][/b][/u]
Easy to do:

Run your Puppy 2.16.1. If you have saved a save file, type

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=ram
Now let it boot. Now do the wizard as you did before.

Then, when you see the desktop, open ROX the file manager (or just press Home on the desktop). Click on the eye button. This will let you see the hidden files.

Now click/open the folder ".packages" (without the quotes).

Stop here.

Go back to the desktop but not close the file manager!!!!

Click on Drives.
Below your hard drive, click Mount.

Now, close the drive mounter.

Go back to the other "Home" ROX window that you had. Don't minimize the other window that popped up.

Drag the packages.txt to the other ROX window.

A menu should come up. Click on Copy.

Now go edit the packages.txt.
First remove any "unavaliable" or "off" packages!
I must be making you work hard, right?
Well, I don't either!
I found a shell script on ... 40619.html. Using it? Just download it into the same directory where the soon-to-be-edited packages.txt is.
Click on it. Click yes to extract it.

Open a terminal.
cd /mnt/hda1
(or similar if not the same)
./rmlines -i "off" -o "packages.txt"
Now finally type
./rmlines -i "unavaliable" -o "packages.txt"
Remove the details at the end.
And put an astriek(*) at the end.
And a backslash(\) too.
Confused? Look below:
(Leave the package name at the end,and put a *, For example:
"gtk+-2.10.17" "gtk+-2.10.17": " on " "\
"0pkgs_db-2.1.5" "0pkgs_db-2.1.5: " on " " \
"0rootfs_skeleton-2.1.4" "0rootfs_skeleton-2.1.4: " unavailable "CONSCORE 13940K" \


"gtk+-2.10.17"* \
"0pkgs_db-2.1.5"* \
"0rootfs_skeleton-2.1.4"* \
For Linux geeks, now you know why I've did this.
The * says any file that has the left part(package name) is a wildcard; any filename
that has the base is copied into basepkg. And the slash \ is the same as if
I listed files without pressing ENTER.

I type cp fff* ./hhh/

The list of files:


fff1, fff2,fffhshs,and fff3 are copied to directory hhh, since it has the "fff" base.

cp lsls \
hhh \
is the same as
cp lsls hhh ./hhhx/
All you have to do now is copy my beginning part of my script(far above)
to the beginning of packages.txt.

Post back the finished code!

Posted that on another forum, but edited it.
That is urgently needed to keep going!

Please, with a cherry on top :P help me!!!!
