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So what about this new PUPPY version?

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 05:49
by flamesage
I have heard a few things about it, but is it going to be a MAJOR LEAP from what I hear? What are the new features? Is it smaller?

What I really would like to see in the new version is ALL of the pre-installed stuff to be in the dotpup manager, already registered, that way i could remove say Mozilla if I wanted to, easily and painlessly.

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 06:56
by Lobster
This is the info for 1.0.5 which is taken from the forum
and Barrys Blog / News at

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 07:01
by flamesage
What I have got my script doing is if you have installed any pupgets or dotpups, they will get placed into the live-cd, like they are part of the cd, no longer pupgets or dotpups, if you get my drift.
The script also allows for removal of packages that are part of the live-cd, so you can go "backwards" toward a more barebones live-cd.
So will this be a feature in both KRAZY PUPPY and regular PUPPY?
Also, Isn't KDE a desktop manager? How come the puppylinux shows old JWM running on it then?

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 07:14
by Lobster
Krazy Puppy is the name for the KDE pupget
KDE is a Window Manager.
JWM is the WM used in the Alpha 1.0.5 r2

New Idea

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2005, 14:28
by Guest
What I really would like to see in the new version is ALL of the pre-installed stuff to be in the dotpup manager, already registered, that way i could remove say Mozilla if I wanted to, easily and painlessly.
As William Shatner says "Brilliant! Shop and compare, before you buy!"....more or less...:)

A Designer Puppy - Everything in Dotpup....mix and match however you want....that's! we're talking!!! How about it Barry?

Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2005, 12:41
by BarryK
heh, heh... I'm working on something, but it has too many bugs right now, so don't want to promise anything.