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Question in remastering Puppy after localization

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2007, 08:45
by vhshare
After localization, I used Dougal - Remaster CD Utility to remaster my new puppy. But after remastering, the locale sets back to "en_AU" (not my "vi_VN.UTF-8"), IceWM theme sets to default, desktop backgroup also set to default,....How to fix this problem ? I'm using Puppy 215CE. I think I should add some script to fix this problem. :cry:

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2007, 04:00
by vientito
think i experienced this issue a few versions before. the problem probably lies in the /etc directory where most of the local settings are stored. Remastering will ask you to decide if the disk is run on a particular machine or any machine in general thus some of the settings in /etc would not be recorded on the disk, depending on your answer.

i believe it is the case but i am not sure if that remastering algorithm has changed since then.

root and etc

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2007, 10:52
by raffy
Yes, until someone points to the exact place where the setting is stored, you will have to check /root (especially the hidden files) and /etc, as this is the place where remastering preserves some unmodified directories and files.