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Request CUPS compiled HP LaserJet 1020 driver/firmware

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2007, 06:19
by FuturePerfect
Learning to compile the fooz2js CUPS driver and downloading the firmware I need for my HP LaserJet 1020 is beyond my capability.

My LaserJet 1020 is one of a series of LaserJets (including the 1000, 1005, and 1018 too, according to the Web) that require some firmware be first loaded to the printer and a driver compiled from fooz2js source be used in CUPS.

HP's web site provides no Linux drivers for these printers, there are no drivers for it in CUPS, and there appears to be no ppd to download anywhere else. Fooz2js seems the only answer.

* I'm hoping someone else has done this and can just post files, firmware, and icon I need for download in an answer here.

* If no one's done this, maybe someone will be do it for dozens of people who bought such printers for Windows and now find using them in Puppy needs technical expertise they don't have.

The technical level of Puppy info required is beyond me, as shown in all the language I don't understand here: ... 73&t=19358

Plus, I don't even know how to make an icon to autoload the firmware script as mentioned here: ... 73&t=18321

The information on the compiling steps involved are on:

More information on the steps and downloading of firmware are here:

Apparently once the proper files are installed, CUPS install easy, as shown by these visual instructions:

I tried this before back in Sept 2006 ... 44&t=10695

But that I have installed 2.17 with CUPS, I am still in the same problem area, but I now know I need foo2zjs/1020 drivers.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2007, 07:42
by muggins
hushpuppy made a .pet of the foo2zjs driver, but it was too big to upload to forum.( 2M). perhaps if you pm'ed hushpuppy, it could be emailed to you.

With much chagrin, need clarification

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2007, 13:37
by FuturePerfect
Thanks for the info. This sounds like just what is needed!

However, I'm embarassed to say that I don't know all the lingo here and don't understand what you mean by "if you pm'ed hushpuppy".

I think I know that hushpuppy is the name of the poster here who has the foo2zjs driver ready to go (and I believe I do know how to install a .pet), but I dont' know how to pm hushpuppy.

Thanks for pointing me to any specific directions on how to do this.

Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2007, 14:11
by muggins
pm = personal message, the button down the button left corner, next to profile button.

anyway, i've just sent hushpuppy a message, asking if the .pet is still available.


Posted: Wed 25 Jul 2007, 15:02
by FuturePerfect

Thanks the clarification and for your fast reply.

Here's hoping that .pet of foo2zjs is still available.

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 09:12
by hushpuppy
I did indeed compile foo2zjs, and will have a look for it this evening.

However from what i remember that .pet was for the samsung CLP-300 printer only, for a different printer, different steps have to be taken (downloading of firmware i think).

I have already checked and i have a directory structure of the compiled driver, i think then (not had time to look at the readme) you download the firmware and then do a "make install".

At this stage you can use "new2dir make install" instead of make install to start making a pet package.

I'm in the middle of creating a .pet for my touchscreen system (and having problems), but will put it on hold to help a fellow puppy'er (is that we are :) ).

I'm on BST, it will be about 9 hours before i can look at this, 7pm this evening (roughly).

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 12:58
by FuturePerfect

Thank you so very much for looking at compiling foo2zjs.

I appreciate you taking the time to do this and it's great you have the skills to provide it.

It's too bad that this is so complex for a non-technical user like me.

Hopefully I don't look too selfish in requesting this, as having a compiled foo2zjs for Puppy would go a long way to helping those with all the very popular HP LaserJet printers that foo2zjs supports: the 1000, 1005, 1018, 1020, and 1022 (not to mention the 3 Minolta printers and a Konica).

The web page also mentions a bunch of other one-printer-specific drivers by the same author (including now a foo2qpdl for a Samsung CLP-300), but these would not reach so large an audience as foo2zjs.

Thanks again.

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 17:35
by hushpuppy
I'm looking at compiling the driver for you now, but have just noticed that youre running puppy 2.17 not 2.16 as i am, so ill have a bit of downloading to do (ill need the iso AND devx_2.17).

Will keep you updated.

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 19:57
by hushpuppy
Apologies but i'm having problems creating this for you, nothing whatsoever to do with puppy or compiling problems, hardware failure, will keep you updated.

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 20:02
by hushpuppy
A slight update, ive just found the i made, youre welcome to a copy, just send me your email address (pm me, click on the messages link underneath Search at the top of the page).

I dont think it will be any good for your model of printer, therefore ive decided to compile foo2zjs for ALL the printers supported by it.

Hardware problems permitting.

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 21:34
by hushpuppy
A question for you FuturePerfect, is your printer USB or parallel port ?

Posted: Thu 26 Jul 2007, 22:23
by hushpuppy
FuturePerfect, i have created the pet file for you, as well as the as well (not sure if its needed at this stage).

I compiled foo2zjs with support for ALL the following printers.

HP Color LaserJet 2600n .ICM files
HP Color LaserJet 1600 .ICM files
Konica Minolta magicolor 2530 DL .ICM files
Konica Minolta magicolor 2490 MF .ICM files
Konica Minolta magicolor 2480 MF .ICM files
Xerox Phaser 6115MFP .ICM files
Konica Minolta magicolor 2430 DL .ICM files
Minolta/QMS magicolor 2300 DL .ICM files
Minolta/QMS magicolor 2200 DL .ICM files
Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L .ICM files
Get Samsung CLP-300 .ICM files
Get Samsung CLP-600 .ICM files
Samsung CLX-3160 .ICM files
Xerox Phaser 6110 and 6110MFP .ICM files
HP LaserJet 1020 firmware file
HP LaserJet 1018 firmware file
HP LaserJet 1005 firmware file
HP LaserJet 1000 firmware file

Unfortunatley i'm having hardware problems, so cannot upload these files to my website for you to download, if you send me an email address ill try to send them by email.

PLEASE NOTE :- This package is UNTESTED at the moment, and i cannot guarantee it will not break your system, therefore you should backup your pup_save file BEFORE using the .pet package.

After installing the package, restart x, then in a browser window type http://localhost:631 , and install the new printer.

Oh yeah, you need CUPS installed for this to work, its part of 2.17 which i think youre running.

I'll test it as soon as you can send it

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 00:06
by FuturePerfect

Thanks again for all your work. Sorry I was out so couldn't answer questions. My LaserJet 1020 is USB, if this helps now.

Thanks for reminding me to backup my pup_save file.

* Since this is a .pet, it's 1 file I download to any directory then install from ROX and all files go where they should?

Barry mentioned on developer's page that some people were having trouble with CUPS--hopefully my setup won't have problems.

Here's hoping I don't have any hardware problems either--I have a USB 1 port for the printer--old hardware but that's why I love Puppy!

I've sent you my e-mail address via PM so you can send the files. The least I can do is test; I will report back here.

Hopefully all will work quickly and this can be uploaded somewhere that has space so other Puppy folks can benefit.

Thanks again; I'll let you know what happens, hopefully without too many elementary question required to complete the process :)

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 07:36
by hushpuppy
Yes, you simply click on the pet and all the files **should** be placed in the correct directory.

BUT - I cannot see the file /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/sihp1020.dl on my system despite definitley downloading with wget and doing the make install (this was ran through the pet creation process so may have failed).

If this doesnt work i may have to talk you through compiling and installing yourself, its really quite easy, and i can give you detailed instructions.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 11:09
by FuturePerfect
Thanks for clarifying what your .pet does.

Did you e-mail me the .pet or decide to post it to your web site? I haven't received it yet but it's early here (5 a.m. U.S. Mountain time--I woke up with your .pet and other items on my mind).

Are you saying the firmware is not in the .pet but is on your system? If so, wouldn't it be easier to just send me the firmware file separately (with instructions on what directory to copy it to) rather than have me compile it?

Or must I recompile the whole foo2zjs to ge the firmware needed too?

I did not attempt the foo2zjs compile instructions not only because I did not understand them all but also because I could not get "make" to work on my Puppy 2.17 using rxvt, presumably because I do not have the developer's version of Puppy needed to compile you mentioned earlier.

Doesn't that mean I have to download a whole separate Puppy to compile? I'm not sure I have disk space on my old machine to do that.

Thanks again for all the work you have done. I look forward to the next steps.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 12:50
by hushpuppy
I've PM'd you and emailed you.

I couldnt do it any sooner as the nameservers that handle my website had been hacked and new servers had to be rebuilt, this meant that whilst they were down, my website was down.

The firmware is supposed to be installed in the correct place when you compile the software, i couldnt find the firmware, though i could see a compressed file had been downloaded, im trying to get it to install on a different machine, but it wont play ball. This could be the machine though, as that machine wouldnt compile the source either.

There is no developers version of puppy as such, you simply download the devx file from the net, place it into your home directory and reboot, youve now got a development system. Rename or delete the devx file, reboot and its all gone again.

On my system the file is called devx_216.sfs , on yours it will be devx_217.sfs, mine is 80 MB in size, so not too large.

So no, it is not a seperate puppy at all, the whole idea works very well.

Ill explain briefly what you do, and if it comes to it , will write a very detailed explanation of what to do. One way or another your printer WILL work.

1) you download the source
2) you decompress the source
3) you change into the directory created by step 2
4) you type make
5) Step 4 creates some files, one of which is called getweb, you use this command to download the firmware for your printer by using the command like this (without the quotes) "./getweb 1020".
6) you type make install
7) you ***might*** have to type make install-hotplug
8)you restart cups.
9) your printer should now be available in cups, set it up and print.

My pet should cut out steps 1 to 6, lets see.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 13:00
by hushpuppy
It seems that the pet doesnt copy all the neccessary files, for example the clp300 icm file shouild be at /usr/share/foo2qpdl/icm/samclp300-0.icm, but it isnt.

I need to get back to work now, but think i can fix this later.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 15:01
by hushpuppy
I've just discovered the problem with the cretion of the pet,

The source needs to be edited, as it expects the user "lp" to exist, of course there is no user lp in puppy, so the user needs to be changed to root.

Ill alter the sourcecode, with some luck this pet will be ready today.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 15:28
by hushpuppy
FuturePerfect, the file has now been uploaded, and this time i think it will work.

Please try the .pet and give me feedback.

The files size is 6.6 MB. Huge i know, but this supports a number of different printers, file size will be reduced if i remove support for different printers.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 16:37
by hushpuppy
If you want to try out this .pet you can download it from

The following printers are supported.

HP Color LaserJet 2600n
HP Color LaserJet 1600
Konica Minolta magicolor 2530 DL
Konica Minolta magicolor 2490 MF
Konica Minolta magicolor 2480 MF
Xerox Phaser 6115MFP
Konica Minolta magicolor 2430 DL
Minolta/QMS magicolor 2300 DL
Minolta/QMS magicolor 2200 DL
Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L
Samsung CLP-300
Samsung CLP-600
Samsung CLX-3160
Xerox Phaser 6110 and 6110MFP
HP LaserJet 1020
HP LaserJet 1018
HP LaserJet 1005
HP LaserJet 1000

19 printers in total.

The last four printers need a firmware file uploaded to them each time theyre powered up, if it's a usb printer, this should happen automatically in Puppy (if not try unplugging the printer, power it down, then up, plug it in).

I'd appreciate feedback on each printer, if you use this .pet, please let the forum know what works and what doesn't.

I can confirm that the Samsung CLP-300 works with this pet file under Puppy 2.17.

Once the pet is installed do this :-

You need CUPS installed (it is with puppy 2.17), and must type this command in an xterm

/etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart

Ideally exit to a prompt, then run the above command, then start X (xwin) again.

In a browser type http://localhost:631 then Manage Printers, Add Printer, and look for your printer and install it. Print a test page.

Good Luck FuturePerfect.