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Intel(R) 915GM/GMS,910GML Express

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2007, 16:53
by KenCat
Hey, I have a Dell XPS (blehh) and the internal hard drive decided to commit suicide. So I bought a Western Digital 120 GB external hard drive. I'm currently writing this as Ubuntu Linux is being run off my CD. I now know that I can't run Ubuntu off of the external drive (although it's installed onto it). I've heard of Puppy Linux and thought of it as a very light, simple OS. It is so much more than that and I'd be happy to download it even if it couldn't run off my external drive. I have a few questions though...

1) After installation (of the 2.17 "Dancer" Puppy Linux) will my graphics be at their best? I downloaded Ubuntu and my XPS graphics aren't working and I can't find a Linux version.

2) What's the simplest download? puppy-2.17.1-nolzma-seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso at ?

I really appreciate the help. Thanks.

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2007, 04:03
by disciple
That download should be good.
Will your graphics be at their best? I don't know anything about your graphics chip, but it is quite likely that they won't. However, in my experience Puppy does better with graphics chips than Ubuntu, and while a lot of people using Puppy might not have their graphics at their best, they wouldn't even notice because they're not playing big games or anything.

Have you done a search on the forum? If that doesn't tell you anything, give it a go - it's only an 80MB download.
Note that there is a "3D control center" package that has drivers for special cards - it might help you.