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Fully-online Puppy OS -- been tried?

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2007, 11:36
by seldomseen
I'm having fun playing with various aspects of Puppy, and one that's really captured my imagination is QEMU Puppy, the way you can run it while on someone's Winders system without rebooting.

Hairball idea time. Theoretically, you can use extra gmail space as a place to store files, and there's a Firefox extension available to facilitate that. Taking that thought even further, it seems you can install QEMU-Puppy on your Gmail storage (along with your preferences), and open/run it from any computer with a high-speed Internet connection without carrying thumb drives, CD-ROM's, etc. A fully-online Puppy.

Has this been tried? Is it even feasible? Or is my puppy barking up the wrong tree again?

Posted: Thu 06 Sep 2007, 13:40
by Everitt
Last time I used firefox the gmail plugin gave you an FTP style interface, so I greatly doubt you could set up two way file transfer. You'd probably need to hack the plugin, and likely Qemu too.
Having said that, there are probably was you could get this to work. A simple solution that comes to mind would be to run a samba server facing the internet. Not at all secure, but it should work, and wouldn't require anything installed on the remote computer. I don't know of any such server though.

It's a nice idea, but I don't think gmail is the answer.

Posted: Wed 12 Sep 2007, 11:01
by trapster
This looks interesting.

Posted: Wed 12 Sep 2007, 12:32
by Pence
So if I booted a very small version of Puppy that has Firefox, I could use this.
Maybe not because it requires Java.

Online Puppy

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2007, 05:11
by macadavy
I'm not sure why you'd want a complete PuppyOS (even a small one) online when there are so many web apps available already. If its an online OS you want have you seen Tmxxine's take on this?

Tmxxine 'Glint':

If you can remember that one link (write it down) you're away to the races! I'm sure you can find even more online appies with a little web searching. Here's the best metasearch engine I've ever seen, it seaches the big G & about 12 other search engines; but unlike Google they do not track your every move:

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2007, 14:42
by Lobster
Tmxxine makes great use of online resources - in theory ... eResources

Probably Google mail (gmail) is the service I find most useful because of the spam filtering.

In aprox two years a new type of computer usage will emerge into the mass market and become prevalent

Device independent computing.
In other words where ever you are, a configuration of on line services (preferably leased) will be available on phone, any type of computer with a browser and connection. It will be slow, insecure and expensive. Microsoft is taking this route.

So make use of these on-line services - some are excellent but be ready to ditch them. Use alternatives and remember they are free now. Until how to best market them has been worked out.

Online Puppy

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2007, 19:10
by macadavy
Thanks for your response, Lobster. That's an excellent list @ Tmxxine. - its very hard to keep it up to date, though. The 'web-to-phone' link appears dead - pity, that's a service I'd really like to find <sigh> Workspot, which I'd seen years ago, seems to come closest to what Pence is looking for: an online OS, but the site appears to be inactive - there's no way to register for a demo, even. Maybe we should suggest that they use less-resource-intensive Puppy! Or we as a community could set something up with a modest fee-for-service to cover admin & server costs, a kind of online computing co-op... (dream on!) :wink:

Posted: Sun 16 Sep 2007, 02:26
by Lobster
There are many ways to go . . .
For example Pyro - which claims to be web3