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Skype Power

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 11:37
by Lobster
Well more news with Skype . . .

Phoned Barry Kauler and Ian. Ian could hear me but not talk - so I was able to get a word in edgeways for as long as I wanted . . . :)
Barry could hear chirps but sadly his mic was not working . . . So not much success - though he did look at the fonts used by Skype . . . and may put yet another tweak requirement on his list

Both Barry and Ian are using dial up and I wonder if that is the problem (even though Skype is meant to be possible with dial up)?

What is interesting is Skype has a text based IM built in and we have all been able to use that . . .

No mic? - well this special geek tip works (I tried it with a Curl Language developer) instead of a mic you can use walkman headphones plugged into the mic in socket - yes really - not as sensitive as a normal mic - but it works in an emergency - you might have to shout a bit (very up close) - try it with XS recorder in Multimedia on the menu

We have the technology . . .

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 13:52
by rarsa
well this special geek tip works
Geek tip? I thought that everybody knew that both were 8 Ohms ;). I experimented with that for the first time when I was a child... mmm, I wonder if that made me a child geek...

On a different note...

Lobster, have you had to open any firewall ports? The documentation says that you have to open outgoing ports or something like that; else it would use port 80 and 443. Did you have to do that? May not doing that acount for the lack of quality of your communications with Ian and Barry?

I really feel for people forced by circumnstances to use dial-up. One of my sons is 14 and he does not even remember the sound of a modem. He has always assumed that he just have to turn on the computer to be on the internet. (the older one still remembers the Amber monitor of the XT computer I put besides his crate so he could bang at the keyboard and see what happened).

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 14:37
by Lobster
Well I thought Skype was able to work through firewalls - but yes I use the Morizot firewall - so disabled that, not making any difference.
It is one of the suggestions I make if we have no reception (turn off firewall) - Ian was able to hear but not send - then we tried again and both got buzzing . . . oh well . . . wil try again later . . .

I think your sons have the right idea
- there is a true story about a consumer asking if the computer they were buying came 'with the internet' - they seemed to think it should be on the hard drive. Maybe one day when we have quantum storage (storage of info in other dimensions - part of quantum computing) . . . one day . . .

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 16:37
by GuestToo
The documentation says that you have to open outgoing ports or something like that
the default Morizot firewall should allow all outgoing packets through ... it will block all incoming packets, but you can edit the firewall to allow incoming packets to whatever ports you want

i think Skype just needs at least 1 open outgoing port, and if you can see web pages in your browser, then you have at least 1 outgoing port (port 80)

Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2005, 20:06
by jcoder24
I tried skype (from M$ Windows) two days ago and had a similar problem. I found that I had to change my audio settings to "Adjust volume for recording" instead of playback and all was fine then. I'm not sure how we can do this from puppy but it may be worth a try.

BTW I used skype on dialup and the quality was good (prob better than good). I have an adsl connection but have hell trying to get it to work properly through the adsl modem --firewall config issues on the modem.

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 11:01
by Lobster
Skype for Linux uses OSS (Open Sound System), using /dev/dsp as its audio input and output device. It works fine also with ALSA and its OSS emulation layer. Native support for other sound systems will be added in the future.
do we have all that? :)

more info here:

- and Barry get a working mic :roll: or should someone send you one? 8)


Posted: Sun 11 Sep 2005, 15:26
by klhrevolutionist
Hey just came across this new item called gizmo
it is like skype, I'm trying to get it working for puppy.

check it out and see what you think