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Puppy in Popular Science

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 01:24
by keenerd
Puppy had a brief mention in Popular Science's "How 2.0" section. A sidebar described "5 Things to do with your flash drive". The fifth was installing Puppy. Yeah, it was just a few sentences, but this is the first I've seen Puppy mentioned in a printed American magazine. Yay.

(edit: first time I've seen it personally. I think it's been in a few PC magazines and such, but none that I get.)

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 01:32
by babbs
Which edition/date? (Page too?)

I've gotta get a copy for myself!

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 01:44
by keenerd
Popular Science, October 2005, page 79.

But I'll save you the trouble, here is the quote:

"5 Things You Didn't Know You Could do With a Portable USB Drive"
by Mike Haney

Salvage Your PC
If your operating system goes kablooey, you can start your PC directly from a USB drive with Puppy Linux (free;, a bare-bones OS with many of the applications mentioned above pre-installed.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 04:32
by rarsa
a bare-bones OS...
Talk about lowering the expectations, I guess that people that try it will get a great surprise. As far as I am concerned it has more meat than the ubuntu liveCD that's sitting right besides me.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 06:22
by babbs
Rome wasn't built in a day... This mention in a "main stream" mag is a step in the right direction. Someone needs to contact the author, maybe the'll do an expo on Puppy once they realize just how powerful it really is.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 13:25
by rarsa
Oh, I didn't mean it derogatorily of the article. On the contrary.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 21:10
by Pizzasgood
Huh. Cool. I've had that issue for a couple days now, but I haven't had the time to start reading it yet. :( How 2.0 is awesome. Now I have another reason to like it :)