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Text Adventure Games

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 04:57
I don't know if this exists or not. But I am wondering if there is a pet package containing only text adventure games? I often enjoy that type of game experience where I really have to think about what I am doing. I do have dunnet which is part of the emacs package. Likewise I have adv770. However, I do think that there are several other text adventures out there. I think it would be kind of cool if they could all be gathered together as a pet package. Any thoughts?

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 21:10
by cb88
have a look at this site may be of some help

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2007, 10:53
by ttuuxxx
I used to love playing those text only adventure games on the vic-20 in the early 80's here's a link where you can play one online for free, its made after one of those game in the late 70's
Have fun

Posted: Mon 03 Dec 2007, 10:27
by John Lewis
I'm new to the forum but have used Puppy for several years.

I also like Text Games. My answer was to:

1) install wine
2) install Winfrotz.

It works very well.

Lots of text adventures to be found on the net.

Hope this helps

John L

Posted: Mon 03 Dec 2007, 14:45
by mdisaster2
The classic Zork trilogy is available for download as well 8)

It is the DOS version though, so it requires either a DOS emulator (DOSBox, Wine), a virtual machine (VMware, Qemu, Bochs, Virtualbox) running MSDOS, FreeDOS or Windows, or a z-machine interpreter such as Frotz for playing the games directly from Puppy.

Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2007, 12:51
by amigo
Maybe you should look into the bsd-games package which comes standard with some distrros -there should be a slack package for it.

Linux Frotz, Kwest, TAM

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2007, 19:11
by paulski
I've gone down this path a little while back trying to find something
that works quickly with minimum time investment.
Unfortunately the native Linux path is a little tricky.
Through Wine I had no trouble with WinFrotz for ".zz*" Z code Infocom style files
and WinTam for TAM TAG files

I found a supposed Linux binary for TAM - but who knows what kernel and distro it was compiled on - That doesn't work and I couldn't find a source.

For Frotz there are several engines in source available I couldn't get them to compile or setup nicely.
Kwest is a KDE based Z interpreter - but needs KDE, I had no desire to overload my lean Puppy, but perhaps someone else will.

I also found - I think this was a general C source for any OS
and Frotz2.4.3.tar.gz which went a little further but the make options are a little beyond me to tune up for puppy.
I can't recall where I downloaded them from but sourceforge is a good guess.

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008, 11:32
by cartz
It looks like the program to use is Gargoyle.

Simply download as per instructions on the site and it runs straight away. This caters for many different formats. I've only tested it with z code (ie. frotz style) and it all seemed to work fine.

And here's a great guide to the games you can download to use with Gargoyle:



Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 20:17
by paulski
Thanks cartz
Gargoyle has done it!
I had to run it from command line but it ran a z code game neater than windows Frotz did!

sh gargoyle gamename.z5

and away it went.
Now I can leave a text adventure running in the background natively without overloading my system when I need to look at something else.

Posted: Thu 29 May 2008, 21:20
by Aitch
:wink: Aitch :wink:



Posted: Thu 31 Jul 2008, 04:30
by b_linux
Gargoyle works great!

I just tried an Infocom title and a Magnetic Scolls title. Good stuff!


Posted: Thu 31 Jul 2008, 08:31
by 106498
Heres some roguelikes. Gotta love them.
Also ... sic_Gamer. For a huge archive of dosgames.