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hexxagon-1.0: a hexxagonal game

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 07:51
by muggins
The goal of the game is to get more pieces than your opponent before the board is full. The pieces can clone or jump. All the opponents pieces that lies next to a moved piece will become yours.

I modified this to use .png files for the images, rather than .xpm, to get it under the forum 1Mbyte limit. (The original .pet would have been over 3Mbytes).

To run, type hexxagon, or click on /usr/bin/hexxagon.

Posted: Mon 01 Oct 2007, 08:17
by muggins
or to save even more space, this is an earlier version of the same game, stolen from the my-dsl repository. extract to /, and run it by typing Hexxagon.