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Smart Package Management.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 17:10
by Mathiasdm

Would it be possible to implement this system in Puppy Linux?
Create a puppy repository and make the files install in the right directory?

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 18:00
by rarsa
I am currently reading the information on that page.

Ata frist glance it looks like they are claiming that 'It's better because I created it'.

An issue I see with using it under Puppy is the Python requirement. I think that Python is to heavy to include it in the standard puppy image.

DotPups currently install the rigth files to the right folders. The advantage of a package manager like this one is the ability to resolve dependencies.

I'll have a more detailed look at it as I was currently investigating using slapt-get or gslapt with Puppy.

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2005, 21:46
by Mathiasdm
Well, the developer (Niemeyer) seems to be quite good at this stuff. He's a developer on the following projects (

Python seems to be 10 MB at max. It's a lot, but seems doable.