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1.0.5rc: PCCC bugs (partitions, menus, etc)

Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 20:17
by flavour
I am running 1.0.5rc & eagerly tried the anticipated PCCC - am very keen to bare-bones my puppy down (to reduce clutter & give me a little bit more space back to assist with OpenOffice)
However, the partition-checker doesn't like my system :/

I have 3 partitions mounted, all of which have plenty of space for the 700Mb that I need to build the new .iso with:
/dev/hdb1 288451232 216337700 57461052 79% /mnt/home
/dev/hda10 19228276 12119780 6131748 66% /mnt/home/hda10
/dev/hda11 19228276 11930980 6320548 65% /mnt/home/hda11

This is what PCCC says:
"Puppy is currently defaulting to mount point /mnt/home, on
which partition /dev/hdb1
/dev/hda11 is mounted, and it is type ext3
which is fine. The free space in the partition is 57461052
6320548 Kbytes.
However, that size is too small. You have to quit..."

I get no joy with anything I try from the 'Change' button so ultimately am forced to 'Exit', which is most disappointing ;)

Am very happy to provide any additional debugging &/or Beta-test any revised versions...


Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 20:19
by flavour
I'm able to continue by unmounting hda10 & hda11
- but I'd still call this a bug...


Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 20:27
by flavour
Is the fact that my mrxvt DotPup isn't going to get burnt to the new LiveCD a bug in my DotPup, or is this to be expected?

I may have fun with my new LiveCD since I deselected rxvt & there's no 'Back' button after I've just found out that mrxvt will just be in the 'temporary' pup003...


Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 20:34
by flavour
Another thing which I regard as a bug is that all the apps I've deselected from the LiveCD need to be downloaded from ibiblio to get stored in my local Unleashed repo...this seems an unnecessary waste of bandwidth & diskspace...


Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 22:05
by Guest
Another PCCC bug:
When I remove apps, the menu entries aren't removed (which is even more important than diskspace/RAM for me ;) )
- need a call to fixmenus? (using root-fs/root0)

A good thing is that the removed apps are now available as PupGets :)

I love the chance to make manual tweaks to the filesystem
- for me this involves:
(1) updating mktemp to the full version (to support Mozilla builds), which can't be done within pup003 since UNIONFS prefers the original version?
(2) replacing jwm with a version compiled with --no-load (doesn't save diskspace but gives me some screen real estate & is less distracting)
(3) putting a custom icon in place by copying to filesystem & amending /root0/.jwmrc


Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 22:09
by flavour
Also desktop icons aren't removed
- need a hook into Rox's pinboard...which isn't yet available in fixmenus it seems...


Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2005, 22:11
by flavour
flavour wrote:Is the fact that my mrxvt DotPup isn't going to get burnt to the new LiveCD a bug in my DotPup, or is this to be expected?
NB Although PCCC told me that mrxvt would stay within pup003, it had actually been uninstalled from there!
- gone from the 'Remove Packages' & also from the filesystem...

I can't be sure whether it arrived onto the CD, since it didn't work...not sure if a duff CD, or I accidentally uninstalled something critical...


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 08:14
by flavour
Another PCCC bug :/
- I did a further remaster from my previous one, adding in an application (XChat) & removing various others (leafpad, uXplor, etc). I also updated JWM to 0.24 (just copied the binary over)
XChat is installed just fine, however the ones that I'd requested to be uninstalled are still present.
- I'll do some more testing to see whether it's because of adding in a new app, or the 'remaster from remaster' or both

I wanted to tweak the default applications using the files /usr/local/bin/default*
- however these all seem to be blank inside 'rootfs-complete'
Hhere do these get populated?
- is there some inteliigence based on which apps are installed?


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 08:36
by flavour
ok, the default* are editable - just a weirdness of vi seeing them as empyy, but Beaver can edit just fine...

The intelligence would be nice for the future, but a manual edit is cool for now :)


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 09:20
by flavour
ok, so remaster from remaster has again failed to remove packages (I didn't attempt to add any this time).
I'll go back to an original & start the remastering process again...


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 10:30
by flavour
remaster from remaster didn't attempt to download any missing packages into my Unleashed folder, which a remaster from original did (& I spotted the msg warning this would happen this time ;) ).
NB Would be great if additional packages that are downloaded are installed into the puppy-unleashed folder as well as those that are removed - especially OpenOffice as it's a fairly hefty download...

My new remaster failed to boot, though - not sure if I accidentally removed something critical or whether it's a duff burn:

mkdir: cannot create directory '/new_root': No space left on device
which then causes all sorts of failures through the boot sequence..


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 11:28
by flavour
I tried adding my mrxvt DotPup to my latest Remaster & it did indeed make it onto the CD, so it was correct to uninstall from pup003.
It was just the message that was wrong...wonder why it did that?

Seems like my error above must have been a duff burn, since I removed all the same stuff succesfully (just didn't add XChat/OpenOffice)


Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 14:05
by BarryK
PCCC is such a complicated script that there are bound to be problems,
and some of them won't get fixed right now.

I did fix the one reported at the very start of this thread.

I appreciate the "inefficiency" of downloading packages that are actually
being removed. This is a stop-gap technique for now.

Any packages removed are also supposed to be removed from the menu.
If that isn't happening ...well, I'll see if I can test it some more tomorrow.

Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2005, 14:40
by flavour
Great, thanks for looking at PCCC - this & usr_devx.sfs make such a great customisation platform :)

1 more tweak to PCCC's removal of apps that could be done is to remove the configs from /root0 when the app is removed:
e.g. .AbiSuite,.bluefish,.eznet,.gaby,.sylpheed

PS If u want someone to beta-test any revised PCCC scripts, then I'm an eager-beaver ;)


Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2005, 01:19
by BarryK
I'll do some testing of PCCC today and tomorrow, then have to do the final preparation of 1.0.5.

But yeah, thanks, will work on it some more for Pup 1.0.6 and a beta tester will be very helpful!

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2005, 17:55
by flavour
I still get this error when remastering from 1.0.5final - if I had OpenOffice to try & make a chubby:

"mkdir: cannot create directory '/new_root': No space left on device"

which then causes all sorts of failures through the boot sequence..

Seems like the size is a problem.
It tells me to set ramdisk_size=12614 in isolinux.cfg since it's 12288 max
I tried this but to no avail.
I looked at Chubby 1.0.4 & that doesn't have any such entry in isolinux.cfg.
It doesn't seem to have much bigger files either:
Chubby_1.0.4: 6.8Mb image.gz & 92Mb usr_cram.fs
1.0.5+OO.o PupGet via PCCC: 7.2 Mb image.gz & 74 Mb usr_cram.fs

Am I doing something wrong?
How did you create the real Chubby?
- via unleashed, I guess?
- so this is probably my only option...

Would be good to know what's going on here, though...


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 01:01
by BarryK
When I created Chubby 1.0.5 I made the ramdisk_size=13312

Run /usr/sbin/createpuppyonline from the commandline to
see any error messages when you build the iso file.

It seems that the script is calculating a too-small size for the

Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 07:15
by flavour
It fails even with ramdisk_size=15000

I see that the sizes of the 1.0.5 Chubby (which I'm seeding now) are:
image.gz 7.4Mb
usr_cram.fs 87Mb

What determines the size needed for the ramdisk?
Just size of image.gz?
- uncompressed, rather than compressed?
I see that the 1.0.5 chubby has an uncompresed image of 13631 - same size as ramdisk.
My failed image was 12916, so the calculation seems correct...but a ramdisk_size of 15000 is insufficient :-? Can it be too large as well as too small?


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 19:18
by flavour
Remaster from remaster in 1.0.5 final exhibits the same behaviour as above:
Can't remove any more applications - you select them, but they don't download from Unleashed repo & don't get removed.


Posted: Fri 30 Sep 2005, 22:26
by kirk
I'm having the same problem. I added xine extra codecs, nmap, monkey web server dot pup, and abiword us-dict dot pup. I added a couple printers using the printer wizard and ran the ethernet wizard. Then I ran PCCC. everything seemed to go fine, it said to set ramdisk_size = 13147. I set it to 18000. When I tried to boot the CD it gave the message "/new_root': No space left on device". I'll try it again, maybe I had a typo with the ramdisk_size or could I have made it too big? I put the ramdisk_size on a line right before the line with "say 2 no APCI ....".
Almost forgot,on the boot screen, right before the line with the boot options it posts this message twice "Missing parameter in config file."