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How can I get programs from start menu to desktop(Solved)

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2005, 02:44
by chrisperry
How can i get programs from the start menu to the desktop
ex. ical
thanks chris

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2005, 02:54
by MU
Click on your HOME-Icon, and navigate to /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin

There you will find all the executables.

Drag theone you want to your desktop.

Right-click -> file:XXX -> set icon. a dialog will open.

Now navigate to /usr/share/pixmaps, and drag an icon you like to the dialog.

Small trick: in rxvt, type "which ical", to find out in which folder it is:

# which ical
# rox /usr/bin

The last command opens rox with the folder, where you found ical


Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2005, 03:35
by GuestToo
you can also type:

rox -s `which ical`