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Have can I tell if I remastered my Puppy right?

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 04:59
Hi there,
I just ran the Live CD wizard and made the ISO image file - it's sitting in root.
As I understand this this file should make an CD image that recreates my current Puppy Chubby installation exactly - including which icons I have on my desktop and which I don't, which page is the home page for my browser, whether or not I configured DHCP, and what partions I've got mounted and what file systems are on there, etc. Is this right? Do I understand this correctly?
If this is correct can I then take this and make another computer with it and then make a USB drive bootable with it?

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 05:09
by Flash
If it is an iso, and you have a CD burner and a CD-RW, wouldn't the simplest way to find out if you got it right be to burn a bootable CD and then boot it up and see what happens?


Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2005, 05:53
perhaps, that is one way. but i am at work an don't have a burner here nore a USB drive and the machine is on a network yet so I don't have that option, also, i would have to burn a CD just to see if my understanding of the proces is correct which seems a bit of a waste of earths resources. :-)
so ... are the any puppies out there that can calrify the process for me ... do I understand it correctly???

Posted: Sat 24 Sep 2005, 00:12
by babbs
I love the smell of sawdust in the morning, and I use my old CDs for target practice. :twisted:

I've been intending to try my own Puppy ISO creation for some time, but I haven't done it yet. One thing about the process, I know that when you launch the wizard, it asks you to put your original CD in the CD drive. I don't know why, but it does.