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LinNeighborhood and printing to Windows shared printer

Posted: Sat 21 May 2005, 03:29
by Guest
Has anyone figured out a way to do this? I ran Linneightborhood and can "see" the printer, but I can't figure out how to get it installed via the printer wizard

Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 11:41
by Ian
LinNeighborhood does not support mounting printers, this will have to be set up in Samba manually.
Unless someone comes up with a solution this will have to be attacked as a future project so stay tuned.

Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 12:13
by Ian
I have just found a samba script that may enable the printer wizard to allow you to set up your printer.
I'll have to test it first but will get back as soon as possible with an answer.

Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 14:23
by danleff
Boy, that was fast!

Let me know. I would like to test this, as well.

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2005, 06:35
by Auda
....and it didnt work ?

Posted: Wed 15 Jun 2005, 02:33
by Ian
Sorry to take so long but have been busy, no it didn't work sad to say.
So it's on with the search.

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 19:30
by Ian
This might be worth a try:

1. make sure your samba client setup is
working. test with
smbclient //your_server/your_printer -c "print -" </etc/motd
(see below for what software to install to get
this far)

2. Stick the attached interface in /etc/pdq/interfaces
(if you're not root, I suppose there's someplace
else you can put it... I dunno.)

3. Fire up xpdq and choose Printer/add printer.
When you get to the choice of interfaces, choose samba,
then supply //your_server/your_printer
interface samba {

help "The samba interface requires smbclient.
contributed by Dan Connolly
$Id: samba-0.1,v 1.1 2000/10/09 20:22:59 root Exp root $ "

requires "smbclient" # This is part of the samba pagkage, in the debian smbclient package, in particular

required_args "SMB_PRINTER_NAME"

argument {
desc = "Windows printer name"
help = "This is the NetBIOS name of the printer
in //server/service format.
try smbclient -L \\\\machine to find some printers.."

send_exec { smbclient "$SMB_PRINTER_NAME" -c "print -" <$INPUT }
#status_exec {}
#cancel_exec {}


copy the part under the dotted line into a text editor and save it in /etc/pdq/interfaces/ as samba.

Posted: Mon 20 Jun 2005, 12:17
by Ian
Concernibg LinNeighborhood, after reading the documentation I have discovered that it doesn't support printing.

Posted: Sat 10 Sep 2005, 21:24
by Hank
Any progress printing to Windows shared printers???