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Simple Mail & Firefox = Best browser for Puppy Linux

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 03:01
by ttuuxxx
Basically Simple Mail is a Firefox extension that is a email client, It even post a small envelope on the bottom right hand corner of screen and tells you if you have mail.
left click opens the messages, right click you configure the settings, how simple, it works on yahoo, hotmail, gmail. etc

***the best part its only 134kb***

how to setup yahoo or gmail accounts ... ionID=8352

Plus lets not forget my other favorite extensions
like fireftp ftp client

Chatzilla free chat client, you can use to get onto freenode

MediaPlayerConnectivity <-- setups up your mediaplayers to firefox, you can use xmms for mp3/wav and vlc for streams and Gxine for videos etc, purely excellent !

Download Statusbar is a status bar that shows your download progress

you can add all these on your browser and take up less then 1MB.


add to barebone?

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 05:57
by raffy
Thanks, ttuuxxx. Do you plan to add these to BigBass' barebone 3.01 to create a small usable puplet?

Re: add to barebone?

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 07:08
by ttuuxxx
raffy wrote:Thanks, ttuuxxx. Do you plan to add these to BigBass' barebone 3.01 to create a small usable puplet?
If i don't I know someone will:) but thinking about it probably, I do wish someone would compile skipstone with firefox, That would be ideal, I could rip apart about 70% of firefox and have 1 really fast and small puppy. Anyway i just uploaded fatfree 3.01 and have to set up the links. ttuuxx

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 17:20
by wingruntled
Simple Mail is really great. It does everything that a lightweight email client can.

Including composing offline mail & view headers.
Let's not forget about safe browsing with NoScript
And Fast browsing by blocking all those ads with AdBlock Plus

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 18:12
by jcoder24
The last time I tried Simple Mail it had to re-download all messages every time I started a new browser session. That was the only thing I didn't like. Is that still the case?

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 22:34
by wingruntled
Nope, only on the first run.

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 23:28
by davids45

Is this add-on able to share mail between Windows & Puppy? Just one mail directory, accessed completely, regardless of how the computer boots.

For we dual booters, Seamonkey seems the only mail program where the same mail/profile is available to all OSs.

David S.

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2008, 23:34
by Leachim
Thunderbird can also share mail-directories between Linux and Windows.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:32
by GeoW
And then there's Gmail which has the mail
out on a Google server somewhere - so it's
available from anywhere.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:46
by ttuuxxx
Ok lets just remember Simple mail is 120kb and Thunderbird is around 6MB, so basically you could have 50 Simple mail installation to one Thunderbird. LOL

Next Simple Mail you can install on windows or linux. Yes you can do that also with Thunderbird :) but that would make 100 installs,lol

Its just a puppy friendly email client. Meaning small in size and has the "It just works" attitude.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:53
by ttuuxxx
GeoW wrote:And then there's Gmail which has the mail
out on a Google server somewhere - so it's
available from anywhere.


Simple mail is a client handler, not a provider like Gmail, yahoo etc. its basically a handler of your main accounts, for your email providers like Gmail ,yahoo , Hotmail etc. similar to outlook express on windows.

I personally just use my main gmail and a few other accounts, But for some reason people like programs on pc's that access them.

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 15:58
by GeoW

Yes. I was addressing davids45 comment that
Seamonkey seemed to be the only way to
get at his mail from both Puppy & Windows.

Using Gmail that just happens. I access Gmail
through the browser and there the mail is.


Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 19:01
by wingruntled
I was just looking at Simple Mail and it can import but not export
to seamonkey or Thunderbird.
I really don't see why this would be an issue anyway. Almost every email
client that I have ever used (including Simple Mail) has a switch so it doesn't
delete mail from the server after downloading them.

Delete messages from server:Never

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2008, 23:41
by davids45
G'day again,
Thanks for your answers to my query about sharing a mail directory/folder between Puppy & Windows.
My situation is I have a large archive of e-mail dating back almost to Netscape 4, well, definitely to Mozilla <1.0, that on occasion I need to search.
So I prefer a mail program that will use this existing data base as is, as well as add new e-mails.
I always favoured the suite approach (Seamonkey) to the splitting up concept (Firefox, Thunderbird, Nuv, etc) for simplicity and lack of bloat so have been very happy to see Seamonkey in Puppy. Pity about Dingo.
I'll have a look at the Firefox add-on as you say it will import Seamonkey/Thunderbird mails so perhaps it will be able to use the same directory as its working directory too.

David S.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 13:12
by mikeb
There is an option to set the saved mail directory in simple mail so perhaps that would help with cross platform usage and though I've never done it firefox should be able to share profiles in the same way as thunderbird ie setting up profiles.ini.

I was a little disappointed that simple mail does not work in firefox 1.5 series as I find the 2 series a bit bloaty particularily for puppy usage but the overall space saving would be worth it....I prefer firefox / thunderbird to seamonkey but found the excessive duplication of code a bit iffy.

I find simple mail better than the built in mail client of opera and it does support basic html mail composition which I'm sure will expand as the extension develops....there is a way of including an extension within a firefox install without having to include a profile folder.

As for using this mail/browser combination in puppy then I consider it a good idea,

ok thats my piece over


Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 14:34
by mikeb
Or how about the alternative approach!!
browsing from thunderbird.....


Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2008, 00:59
by jcagle
I was just looking at Simple Mail and it can import but not export
to seamonkey or Thunderbird.
I really don't see why this would be an issue anyway. Almost every email
client that I have ever used (including Simple Mail) has a switch so it doesn't
delete mail from the server after downloading them.

Delete messages from server:Never
If you're limited on space on the server, it could be an issue.

Can Simple Mail do plain ASCII text?

Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 15:00
by malderson
Based on this thread, I have tried the Firefox/Simple Mail combo. Very nice, but....

It isn't really a Puppy issue, but has anyone figured out how to configure Simple Mail to send only plain-text messages? I have one mail list I'm on that insists on plain-text messages (and I prefer them anyway). It looks like Simple Text may be HTML only? Must I stick with Seamonkey or Thunderbird to send plain-text mail in Puppy?

Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 18:19
by amigo
Another idea is to use the GtkEmbed browser(the demo app) with thunderbird. Or you can go one better and use the minimo browser. quite some while ago I worked out how to compile minimo for linux(even patched to use GTK-1.2). I had gotten the package size down to around 7MB uncompressed for the embeded browser. But since I don't really care that much for firefox, but I do like thunderbird, I worked out how to compile the minimo browser, in place of the GtkEmbed, from the thunderbird sources.
I hadn't worked at all with the moz sources since 1.7.13, but just a few days ago I started fooling around again with the seamonkey sources which can still be compiled for GTK-1.2. Perhaps sometime soon I 'll have a couple of slack packages of these more modern versions with a couple of twists.

I also have done some work recently on getting the gpe-mini-browser to work(succeeded with that) and compiling skipstone for use with webkit -still haven't gotten that going.
This world *still* needs a really good small browser! I should mention that using the GtkEmbed or minimo browsers still gives you lots of good mozilla features including java script support and the start-up times are great -about 2-3 seconds on my machine, where firefox takes about 9 seconds. And minimo only uses about 6MB of memory while running.
What I really use on a daily basis is opera -I really wish they would open the sources... And I use dillo for local browsing of html pages. I have been working on that a little lately -combining some old patches I have around which provide the tabbed-browsing and frames support plus drag-n-drop for the file selector. I'm going to try to work in a few others (like https).
A couple of years ago I did some work with ancient versions of skipstone (for GTK-1.2) which only needed *one* mozilla header and would compile against every version from 0.99 to 1.7 without any trouble. I also found something very similar which was called 'cheetah' but it still needed lots of work also.
I'd really like to see some good coders continue with the dillo browser for GTK. There is development activity for dillo, but using the new fltk version -which I don't care that much about.
I'm glad that seamonkey/firefox/thunderbird are out there, but I find firefox really clunky and dead slow. I don't usually miss the java or flash support myself, but I know most others do. You know, the classiest looking and functioning browser I ever saw was galeon -also now dead... but it needed lots of gnome stuff, too. Still waiting for something new to come down the pipeline that doesn't use gecko -webkit is not much better -it does make a quicker engine, but is just as much a nightmare to compile as the moz stuff.
Since I don't generally 'do' QT, I still use the static version of opera for every-day browsing and I'm quite happey with sylpheed-claws-1.0.5 for GTK-1.2 (startup time one-half second!) -I 've gotten several plugins working with it for viewing pdf, mathml, html and others inline. I really like the MH mailbox format as each mail is an individual file -databases are harder to cope with. I'm going to see If I can get some of these same plugins to work in dillo to make a better all-purpose viewer out of it.

simple mail v 2.83.3

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2012, 13:36
by charlie6
Here is (latest at now) version 2.83.3 (515KB; not stable ... but works nice here on dpup-exprimo + FF17.0) download link: ... 3.3-fx.xpi
To be downloaded as an extension to FF; place it in /usr/lib/firefox/extensions/; then open FF and activate simple_mail from Tools/Modules/Extensions and follow instructions.
Have fun :D