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Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2005, 22:58
by raffy
Puppy has a wealth of documentation, such as the Beginner's section sticky posts by Flash and Lobster, and pages by many others in the Wiki (sorry, Wiki is down now, so can't produce the links). However, we may have to write/rewrite the pages and organize it into a tree (hierarchy). Any suggestions on how to do this?

We can use this documentation tree in putting up the new Wiki. Thanks!

Posted: Tue 04 Oct 2005, 03:45
by Flash
Not to discourage, but who would keep the thing up-to-date? I can tell you from my experience with the sticky indexes, that's not a trivial job for one person. Yet, if it's not done the whole project becomes useless. The sticky indexes are not as ambitious as what you seem to propose.

Posted: Tue 04 Oct 2005, 04:03
by Ian
This is where the Foundation could come into play by helping to organize a Puppy Documentation team the same as other organizations have.

If you start a Puppy Documentation Project I am sure people will be willing to help out, it just needs to be split into sections and the various sections organised into the documentation required for each section.

When a section is finished it only needs to be upgraded to keep it current, which could be done once a month if required.

Posted: Tue 04 Oct 2005, 07:29
by Lobster
The Founders and Trustees
needs combining - started the process for some kind Puppy with the friskiness to finish . . .

Puppy promotion week - I have released a lot of the Puppy wiki pages for people to adopt. If you wish to adopt a puppy page - please do so or start editing so your interest becomes apparant

Look in Start / Help and see what pages need work - tell everyone - provide it as a wiki page, HTML or straight text

Re: Documentation

Posted: Tue 04 Oct 2005, 10:02
by puppian
raffy wrote:Puppy has a wealth of documentation, such as the Beginner's section sticky posts by Flash and Lobster, and pages by many others in the Wiki (sorry, Wiki is down now, so can't produce the links). However, we may have to write/rewrite the pages and organize it into a tree (hierarchy). Any suggestions on how to do this?

We can use this documentation tree in putting up the new Wiki. Thanks!
Yes we surely need that :)
My suggestion for the documentation tree would be something like this: ,or
When a section is finished it only needs to be upgraded to keep it current, which could be done once a month if required.
I'm doing that for the SiteMap page. And I agree with Flash that it's not a trivial job for one person. It's so because we are talking about a Wiki, which people are constantly adding content to it, just like here on the forum. It's easy to overlook a newly created page (I just find that I haven't add the OnlineResource page to the SiteMap page in my last update :oops:). The good news is that we have a PageIndex page in the wiki. One will know what pages have been created if he save a copy of that page to his computer regularly and then compare their difference (using Gtkdiff in Puppy). That's how I did it, still overlooked something though...:oops:

A way to make thing easier maybe combining the above mentioned tree system with the Category system of Wikka Wakka:

# The master list of the categories is Category Category (without the space) which will automatically list all known maincategories, and should never be edited. This list is easily accessed from the Wiki's top navigation bar. (Categories).

# Each category has a WikiName name of the form CategoryName for example CategoryWiki etc. (see list of maincategories above)

# Pages can belong to zero or more categories. Including a page in a category is done by simply mentioning the CategoryName on the page (by convention at the very end of the page).

# The system allows to build hierarchies of categories by referring to the parent category in the subcategory page. The parent category page will then automatically include the subcategory page in its list. ....

The idea is good as it's easy for people who created the page to add it to the category they think appropriate, just add a link and all is done (and the best too, as they're the person who knows what the page is all about).
I think there's been some efforts (by G2 I guess?) implementing that to Puppy Wiki. That doesn't work very well though because either people is not adding their page to the category, or they all add their page to CategoryDocumentation :)

I think that's so because we didn't have much pages when the wiki just start and so no sub-categories are created. Also the idea that "everyone can help things organized by adding a link to their page" is not comunicated very well to everyone ;) However, even with this category system some mainteinance is still needed, to correct pages that're put in the wrong categories, to add pages in case they're not added by the page owner, to create new (sub)categories, etc.


Posted: Sun 23 Oct 2005, 05:33
by J_Rey
Yes, this has been/is needed. Otherwise we will continue to have repetitive support requests and unnecessary learning of how not to do things. Organization, organization, organization! Let's not forget to include Barry's web pages about how puppy works, faq page, snippets from the developer's news page, and others. I help here and there with this but there's only so much time. So, now, we make a plan, delegate responsiblities, and get going! Volunteers welcome here and with most everything Puppy!