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Anything wrong with TextMaker?

Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 09:10
by stevoomba
I downloaded TextMaker and it looks like a really good, clean app, mid-way between Beaver and Abi, like Kword. But my whole system has crashed both times I've opened it up. Haven't as yet installed it on another pc as a comparison. Anyone else had probs?


Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 10:09
by Rich
Johm Murga's new 50mb package uses Textmaker, so maybe he'll have an answer.........although I don't think there's going to be a problem with it or he would have used something else.

Could be a download error. Did you verify the download?
( also, what version Puppy are you using? )


Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 14:07
by JohnMurga
Rich wrote:Johm Murga's new 50mb package uses Textmaker, so maybe he'll have an answer.........although I don't think there's going to be a problem with it or he would have used something else.
You are of course completely correct ;-)

TextMaker has so far been solid as a rock for me.



Posted: Sun 22 May 2005, 23:40
by stevoomba
I'm using 1.0.2. I'll try getting it again - thanks!

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 10:30
by stevoomba
Re-installed and works okay: false alarm...


Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 14:29
by mouldy
I've got Murga's 1.0.1 Opera Puppy. Textmaker loads quick enough there is no point in Beaver. I now am just using Textmaker and Leafpad. Though AlienX posted Dotpup for Katoob and I installed it. Its closest to Beaver i guess. I like it better than Beaver. But again dont need it. Leafpad and textmaker are enough.

Posted: Tue 24 May 2005, 08:08
by mjg
I think Textmaker is great. Who needs a spellchecker given the time it wastes and the lack of accuracy?

I'm hoping someone one day can give an answer to Abiword's curly quote problem before I can ever use that program. Curly quotes are easy to enable in OpenOffice, Kword and Textmaker, but not Abiword.