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Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 01:27
by cobelloy
Hi there again,
I have been checking on my ISDN modem and it does supposedly work, but to get it to dial I need "wvdial" which you can get through pupget, but since I don't have an internet connection I am stumped. I can retrieve it locally from the hard drive, but how do I get it without pupget (using win98 for now)


Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 03:11
by Pizzasgood ... ackages-1/

All the pupget packages are stored there.

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 03:38
by Ian
Do you know someone who has an external mosem that you could connect to. This would allow you to download the required files.
Most external modems work with Puppy.

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 07:05
by cobelloy
my ISDN modem is an external one, USB type, and was correctly recognised by puppy (yay for puppy) and apart from me everyone else has internal pci modems.

I will try the link

thanks again dudes!!

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 07:20
by cobelloy
well, I worked out how to download from an FTP site and now I will see how I go, will post again about the modem

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 08:17
by cobelloy
I am going bald from the hair pulling...

when I try to instal wvdial_1.53.tar.gz with pupget it returns an error message saying there is no wvdial_1.53.tar.gz in that directory, but there is, I have checked, and tried a few times to install it, and I keep getting that stupid message back.

plus it seems really really slow, it takes a minute or more for pupget to open, is that normal?

I have a P2 400 128meg machine, a little grey haired, but not that past it?!