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Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 07:14
by Cerberus
I decided to revive my old 333 MHZ K6-2 with a 6GB hard drive, and i found puppy and thought it would work well.

However i am completely new to linux, so i really need someones help in getting it to work properly.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 12:48
by keenerd
Have you gotten the computer to boot Puppy? Have you enabled CD booting in your BIOS? Do you know how to burn an ISO image to CD?

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 14:45
by rarsa
There's good news:

If you do as advised by Keenerd, you should be up and running in no time.

For most people, Booting from the live CD will detect all your hardware.

If not, then you will have specific questions. So:

1. Set your computer to boot from CD
2. Insert the puppy CD image
3. Relax and enjoy.

You can come back to ask any questions no matter how basic or complex. I'm sure that someone will try their paws at it.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 15:25
by Cerberus
But here is my issue
That computer was a former Win98 Not SE and i had to format it becasue winblows deleted itself with disc cleanup.

BUT it now has no cd drivers on it after teh format, it only recognizes the floppy. I downloaded a driver that i know works with this drive, but i am not sure how to set it to load these drivers on startup, otherwise i couldn't boot from CD.

As well i do not know how to change the bios, as my DOS skills are limited to a small bit of .bat programming (i forgot most of the WIN98 dos when we switched to XP)

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 15:29
by Lobster

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 15:33
by Cerberus
That is a dead link lobster, wont load

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 15:55
by Lobster
try again

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 16:08
by Cerberus
Hmm, that should work, but i am not sur ehow to do tht in DOS, i remember seing that in windows but never in DOS.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 17:16
by theelf which when unzipped is a bootfloppy image which when unzipped is a win32 program that will write a floppy image to a floppy and then you can boot from the floppy and hopefully boot Puppy from your CDRom seeing as how you have no OS on your HDD ...
Hopefully someone will supply info about installing Puppy to your HDD as I have never installed this particular distro on a HDD

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 19:24
by rarsa
remember seing that in windows but never in DOS.
Changing the BIOS settings have nothing to do with DOS or Windows or linux.

The BIOS controls the low level interaction with the input/output devices of your computer.

You normally access the BIOS by pressing a "special" Key or group of keys just after turning on the computer. The instructions are in the link provided by Lobster.

There are a few very weird computers where the BIOS code is not in ROM but is installed into a special file in the Hard Disk drive. If you formated the HDD, that file may be lost. If that's the case you will need to get a floppy from the computer manufacturer (They have them in their web site).

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 22:23
by Pizzasgood
The driver for the cd drive should not be a problem, as Puppy doesn't use the Windows drivers anyway. If the bios can recognize the cd drive, Puppy will try to use it. So the only thing you would need Windows drivers for is burning the cd. But you don't need to burn the cd if you do a poor man's install.

If you have access to a fully operational cd burner, disregard the below and just burn the iso normally.

Poor Man's Install

What you will need to do is set up a boot cd: Wakepup

Then you will need to extract these files from the ISO (don't worry, I'll get to that in a second):

To do this, you can use Isobuster.

Place those files in C:/ (or any other drive/partition, preferably not of the ntfs variety, though it will work but has issues) Don't put them in a folder, they need to be right at the top. Then make a blank file there called pupxide.

Reboot with the bootdisk, and bingo bango bam! You're in Puppy.

Posted: Thu 13 Oct 2005, 23:24
by Cerberus
Alright, i should be okay escept i need to know 1 thing

After i activate the cd drivers in, will they load whenever i start?, if not i'll need to know how to get that to work, otehrwise no puppy as i cant get ti to load form a cd drive it doesn't know how to use :/

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 01:58
by rarsa
Again: is a DOS program. Puppy DOES NOT run on top of DOS. It is a different operating system with it's own drivers.

When working with puppy the computer DOES NOT boot to DOS. If you insert the CD then the computer will boot directly to Puppy.

I think that the best way for you to understand is to put the Puppy CD in, and turn on the computer without worrying about what will happen.

Only if your computer do not boot to puppy you will need extra help with that.

But please, try it instead of second guessing.

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 04:14
by Cerberus
ALright, i know that puppy will not run on top of DOS, but i do not think that it will be able to read teh cd as it lacks all cd drivers. This is why i was wondering if i load the drivers into will they stay there.

As well i was going to try to run it in the ram of this computer but i cannot access the bios to tell it to boot from cd if available

I am running windows XP media center edition 2005 home, but i cannot load the bios modify screen at startup, i have tried ever F# key and crtl alt delte during startup (that just restarted it)

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 04:58
by Lobster
You need to get into the Bios

What part of this do you need help with?
Do you have a manual or someone with rudimentary computer knowledge who can help you?

Usually when the computer comes on it says how to get into the BIOS

ctrl + alt + del reboots the computer because this is the command to reboot the computer

Good luck :)

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 05:08
by Cerberus
I go tmy computer from MDG, and when it starts, it diplays teh "intel Desktop Boards" pccture for a few seconds, and tehn begins loading XP

I have pressed escape but all that does is prevent the picture from loading

I REALLY need helping getting into the bios

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 05:18
by Lobster
Can MDG show you how to get into the Bios?

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 05:37
by Cerberus
I"m sceptical, i just went and tried to use teh start up floppy, but it just started with the message FREEDOS and nothing else (dos i mean)

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 05:40
by Cerberus
I just called the tech support, teh phone lines are currently down and are being redirected to finance :/ so i am going to try again tomorrow

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 05:59
by Cerberus
OK i got mixed succes
i found out how to get to t he bios and i cahnged it so taht it checks teh floppy first, cd second and HD last (it used to be 1 floppy 2 hd 3 cd)

But once i loaded it ( i let it load on default and it yelled alot at me about being unable to store my stteings because this as an ntfs drive) but once it finihsed o couldn't move my mouse :/