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Booted live CD, got kernel panic & flashing lights

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 15:19
by tarmik92
I am a noob in linux and i wanted to try a few live-cds.
I tried DSl and it worked quite well though I didnt like it much. So i want to try Puppy and when I booted up , It read the CD and I pressed Enter at the menu . then it started unpacking some files. Then suddenly It freezes with some kernel panic error and my num lock and caps lock lights on my keyboard start flashing.

Please tell me what to do to get it to work . I run a P4 , 2.93ghz , 256mb ram.

Thanks in advance,
tarmik92 :?: :P :shock:

Posted: Fri 14 Oct 2005, 16:50
by Rich
There are a couple of things to try here.

1. try the CD on another computer. if it works then it's a config/problem with your hardware.

2. burn another CD. When burning the iso onto CD it is vital that you burn it AT THE SLOWEST SPEED AVAILABLE.

I'd blame the CD first and foremost .