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Just have to say....

Posted: Sat 15 Oct 2005, 00:45
by peppyy
I recieved a used laptop today, another IBM ThinkPad 600E and I spent almost half an hour installing and configuring Puppy 1.0.5. Had I been installing winows you would not have heard from me until tomorrow or Sunday.

I am sure it gets a bit easier with each PupTop I build but to have everything installed, working and configured in less than 30 minutes puts all the big boys to shame. This includes installing Firefox, XMMS and configuring sound, custom Puppy Boot message, Streaming audio and Fvwm95 with appropriate monitors etc. I am for now running my plug-n-play orinoco gold for internet.

It took me much longer to format the dirty drive and make a replacement cmos battery than all the others combined.

Hats off to the team and especially Barry for all the great work, your commitment is truly an inspiration.

Now all I need is a new high capacity battery and she is off to see the world. I am currently trying to find some more of these, (retrobox is out) at a reasonable price so I can teach them some new tricks and get them adopted. I have homes for several already and donations to soon follow.

BTW, if anyone is in the market for a PupTop, look at ebay in a couple days. I am putting together a complete package.

Posted: Sat 15 Oct 2005, 01:37
by Cerberus
I"ll be looking into it in the new year, after my province gives all of us $400

Good use of Puppy

Posted: Sat 15 Oct 2005, 03:04
by Lobster
I think Puppy is ideal for these old lappers

I have got setting up Puppy to a fine art (from CD - where I usually boot up from, it takes 10-15 mins max to get on line and set up etc)

Putting on HD (for laptops would take about 30 mins as you say) Though I have mixed results with HD install - 15 mins was the fastest - sometimes has taken me 2 hours. Have not done it since about ver 1.0.2 of Puppy

Good job - thanks for pic - good luck on Ebay (watch out for the sharks - I am a Lobster I know about such things)

:oops: Is the Ebay near the coast?
only joshing :lol:

Posted: Sat 15 Oct 2005, 04:06
by peppyy
Is the Ebay near the coast?
only joshing
I think that should be sloshing lol.

"Under da sea"

I have done several side by side compairisons with some really new laptops and they can never believe it when one of my old 366 PupTops puts the fancy new super laptop to shame with several things. I have won 6 out of 7 wireless speed shootouts and I can always open that .doc file faster. My main weakness is video so I try to avoid those type of tests.

Ran out of network cards again but I have one on the way so I went ahead and set up the wifi-beta2 and my linksys card. Only getting 2 meg/sec out of the DSL tonight.

Oppps. Got a bug to fix. Gotta see if the cap lock has a cure. Had that in .4 too I think?