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puppy and speedtouch 330

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005, 21:05
by interested

Undoubtedly many hearts will have sunk and nerves become tense at the very mention of this dreaded modem, but I am saddled with one. I want to try Puppy, so does it support the pesky modem


Posted: Tue 24 May 2005, 06:41
by Guest
I have also a problem connecting to the internet.In the help files you can read that usb modems are not supported.

I found on the thompson site the files kqd6_3.012 and zzzl_3.012 this is firmware for linux.Is there a way to install this in puppy.

330 touchspeed modem/ usb modems

Posted: Fri 03 Jun 2005, 13:59
by phil
usb modem support in linux is as yet poor however this is the ulr for a script written to install this type of modem in all linux distros. It will take some head scratching and a few emails but I have my 330 rev4 working now in mandrake 2005 special edition and am thinking of trying it on a live cd distro might try puppy as I like the name.

Good luck

Ps I have just noticed a file dump so have put my stuff for the 330 there