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Puppy 4.1 Alpha 2

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 06:26
by Lobster
OK just downloaded - thanks Barry :)
Check the md5sum - just in case . . . because of below results
Any new pics of windmill construction?

[ahem] back to testing . . .
Remember Guys

Beta = can be used but maybe be buggy
Alpha (this version) = still needs testing - NOT for everyday use . . .

By all means test (testing welcome) but be aware this is ALPHA grade
It is not nearly ready for use. . .

My results:
Previous version keyboard and mouse did not work
This version:

Keyboard worked
I waggled my mouse and it worked - Hooray - then it stopped (froze) - boo . . .
(The mouse was a ps2)
Plugged in a USB mouse and rebooted
Mouse worked but acceleration was all wrong - had to change the acceleration to '1' from the default '2.0' just to get it to work - just about usable
'orrible . . .
OK one last test . . .
Serial mouse = same as ps2 - it waggled and then froze . . .

Look forward to the next version
It seems it is the kernel or squash file?
Anyone else getting this dead rodent problem?

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 11:36
by BarryK
Lobster, are you testing with a brand new system, that is, 'puppy pfix=ram'?

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 12:48
by DreamsToGo
Here are my results,

I did a clean installed 4.00 as frugal and used whole HDA for save file on my test machine. I renamed the old pup_400.sfs and drv_400.sfs,
copied new files from 4.02 cd to HD and rebooted.

Puppy went through its upgrade process and then I had the system.

No keyboard or mouse probs. Here is what I have found so far,

1) The Install, Paint, and Play desktop icons were misplaced and were put behind other icons.

2) Wallpaper setter has no icon and appears twice, once in Desktop and once in System

3) Drive icons appeared on the desktop as they should with the new MNTD in orange, as expected. I don't like having them there, so I went to the Puppy event manager and unticked the show drive icons. I rebooted, Icons are still on desktop, plus one called "drives" (showing no MNTD, though). On a second and subsequent boots, drive icons disappeared but the drives icon appears every time, even if I remove it.

Wireless usb zd1211rw

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 12:54
by twointo1
Same issue as with alpha 1. Usb network card detected - wlan0, but after trying to connect with the network manager, I get no networks detected. Looking into dmesg, it reports "can't load firmware error -2. This adapter has worked in all versions of Puppy from 2.17.1 through 4.0 k 2.26.25 beta.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 13:31
by Lobster
Lobster, are you testing with a brand new system, that is, 'puppy pfix=ram'?
Yes - rebooted with 'pfix=ram' parameter each time - checked md5sum that is OK and am running Dingo (4.00) OK

This happened with Dingo (when the new kernel was first introduced and very soon dropped) and these two alphas. The keyboard is working (even that was not in the last alpha)
I suspect the kernel because Ubuntu 'Hardy Heron' did the same thing (mouse froze). I have heard from Tronkel that others are having problems of a similar sort with the new kernel.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 13:39
by DreamsToGo
Yes, I had the mouse freeze in Ubuntu Hardy too. I haven't had it yet on Puppy 4.02.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 15:38
by prit1
@Lobster: You posted your thread when I was writing mine. Anyway, I am trying to move further posts on my thread to this one.

Anyway, there is an alternate download location for Alpha2:

Bug reports from me so far:

I tested this version briefly. I found that I am having wireless issues with RT2500. The same module works perfectly with 4.00. But now I have to rescan and go through Network Wizard on each boot (atleast on 3 of my boots so far). Also the speed of the net seems to be slow.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 16:19
by nic2109
Please see ... 988#203988
for a posting that really belongs in this new thread.

To summarise :- my wireless card is detected but not activated.

Edit :- my posting in that thread has been replied to by tempestuous, so I will carry on over there. Sorry about the need to flit about from thread to thread.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 16:47
by DreamsToGo
I have done another install to a different machine that I use in the Out house. There's no user data on the machine but I have heavily modified the desktop.

Install went smoothly but I now have all the standard desktop icons back again and the tray has been modified to take out my 24hr clock modification.

You probably won't think this is a bug, but it really is a big inconvenience and I think very off putting for someone who wouldn't know how to put everything back the way they want it.

During the boot process I was told that .jwmrc and .jrmrc-tray had been put in /tmp/oldversion (or similar) so I thought, good, I can restore them. But they are not there! and I haven't done a second boot since the upgrade.

I know that if I make changes to the system I should back it up, but,

I would expect that the system 'remembers' my desktop changes and puts them back again automatically after an upgrade..

Can some way be found to do this?

No USB Keyboard reaction when puppy asked for saved file

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 17:05
by GeorgR
First puppy version booting on amd 690G chipset with no need for booting parameter acpi=noirq!

Booting and frugal install without any problems.
No problems with mouse and usb keyboard.

When more than one save file is found while booting, puppy stopped booting and asked for input to select one of the saved files.
So far as usual.

No reaction when typing any key on the usb keyboard => no way out.

As mentioned before: if only one file is available and puppy had started without asking for selection, no problems with usb mouse and keyboard.

som bug

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 17:25
by pdrito

Thanks for this puppy.

I don't use harddrive, so my experiences with puppy goes to CD/DVD multisessions.

On puppy 4.0.2(4.1alpha2):
-detection of all my hardware OK
-internet navegation OK
-additional software added, OK
-multisession record, OK.

The fault part:

-Dougal remaster, No OK.
It start the process creating the pup_402.sfs, but dont close the windows, so the remastering process never ends.

-Remaster puppy live-CD
Same as Dougal remaster.

-Shutdown process no OK.
After record the session (OK till there), a lot of info of shutting process begins and finally freeze the shutdown process. In that moment have to manually shutdown the PC.

On puppy 4.0.1(puppy 4.1alpha1),
-Dougal remaster CD/DVD went OK
-Remaster puppy live-CD went OK
-Shutdown process no OK. same as puppy 4.0.2

In general:
Very happy with puppy 4.0.x
Thanks a lot for your beatiful work.


Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 18:28
by veronicathecow
Hi Barry, same result as last few version of 4
Stops at loading kernel
Frugal with a intel d201gly2 MB

RFE - madwifi

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 18:31
by boscobearbank
My wireless nic (an Atheros 5005G or something similar) does not like the ath5k driver :cry: , but works well with the madwifi driver :D. It's not hard to guess what I'd like to see in future Puppy versions.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 20:51
by nic2109
prit1 wrote: I tested this version briefly. I found that I am having wireless issues with RT2500. The same module works perfectly with 4.00. But now I have to rescan and go through Network Wizard on each boot (at least on 3 of my boots so far).
This is close to a similar problem I had in 4.0 beta testing where the profile was saved OK but not picked up on boot up. I didn't need to re-scan, but did have to load and use my saved profile each time until forum member bde solved it for me.

See ... &start=119

There you will see that the Network wizard hadn't created /etc/eth1wireless when 'saving the configuration for next time' on exit.

Now that filename might need to be different for you - it might well need to be /etc/wlan0wireless if like mine your interface is now wlan0 under 4.02.

I had to create that file containing a single command of

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/ eth1 wext
but for you it may be different: firstly the eth1 may need to change; secondly the 'wext' parameter may be wrong for you; and thirdly you may not be using WPA encryption.

On the other hand it all might be spot on. If you read back through that thread for the exchanges between bde and me then you'll see how he came to that solution.

I hope this helps.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 21:10
by prit1

Thanks for that thread and the information. I will read through and give it a try when I get home today.

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 23:22
by JB4x4

This is in regards to the "icon stacking" I found when inserting my USB key. I had this happening when I was running my screens native resolution of 1440x900. I switched it to 1024x768 and everything worked fine (I did have to move the sda and sdb icons as they were almost off of the desktop when I restarted X).

Hope this helps,

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 10:12
by capoverde
First test of Puppy 4.1 Alpha2 with pfix=ram.

OK with: boot, video (1280x1024 XVesa), USB mouse and PS2 keyboard, sound, ADSL cable network connection + browsing, audio and video streaming, wallpaper and clock setting, icon switching, mounting/unmounting drives - only hitch for now is the overlapping of drive icons, which now appear immediately with all other icons; just the topscreen message for first-time help, with associated double-bark, doesn't appear till after restarting X, as on previous "4" versions (not even after setting new wallpaper and icon type).
PMount still lists drive sda after drive sdb.

Asrock 775i65GV MoBo with Celeron 2800, 512MB RAM, 2 PATA 80GB drives.

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 11:47
by NathanO

You say on your blog that you will not have full SCSI support, what do you mean?

My tower has both IDE and SCSI drives as well as a SCSI PCMCIA adapter that have worked thru 3.x series and 4.0.

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 15:06
by tronkel
Just tried 4.02alpha on my wife's HP Compaq nx6110 laptop, 500MB RAM, 2-3 years old.

Runs very fast, wireless fine, video restricted to 1024 x 768, sound OK. Running from live CD.

In common with other Puppy 4 versions, it occasionally exits to a black screen on shutdown. This has also happened on the Classmate PC as well.

Prehistoric has reported something similar in Chihuahua and has not as yet fully solved it. This problem has been around for a while in recent versions.

There is a 168MB sfs file loaded via unionfs. I wonder if the problem could be caused by the sfs file not being unmounted properly.

I'll try this with layerfs=aufs and see what that does.

edit: oops no - no aufs in 4.02Alpha

Anyone else had this problem?

Alpha 2 drive management need work

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 16:56
by dogone
I've found drive handling in Alpha2 much less intuitive than in 4.00.

In 400:
- each partition ("drive") receives an icon.
- clicking an icon mounts the partition and opens ROX.
- closing ROX offers the unmount option (could be configurable)

In 402:
- drive icons represent physical devices, not logical ones (as in Windows).
- users have to "deal" with mounting/unmounting partitions.
- clicking a partition icon opens Pmount, not the partition.
- icon context menu lacks an unmount option

402 takes a big leap backwards by requiring the user to understand mounting and the distinction between drives and partitions. Windows addresses both (effectively, not intelligently).

Suggestions for 4.1 final:
- mimic 400's Hotplug behavior with enhancements.
- employ Event Manager.
- permit access to drives via a tray icon or icon drawer.
- permit user to disable unmount dialog at ROX close.
- permit user to assign persistent drive/partition labels.