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hebrew folders

Posted: Sat 14 Jun 2008, 21:20
by mac
i find that i can type in hebrew, but i cannot see any hebrew named folder on my hd, it just doesnt appear, although its there. any suggestions?

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 10:55
by Kazm
Possibly your file system FAT ?
See here

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 11:18
by mac
let me check it. if it is, what steps do i take?

Posted: Thu 19 Jun 2008, 11:32
by Kazm
Here two moments:

1. If your save-file placed on FAT-partition it (partition) mounted without options for utf8. And with it we can not do anything...

2. Another case mount partition with this options:
mount -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,codepage=866 /dev/hda1 /mnt/msdos

where codepage=866 is for MS russian codes of FAT. For arabic may be its another or do not need.

Posted: Sun 22 Jun 2008, 20:54
by mac
thank you very very much.
can you spell out what exactly i do. it was a little too technical for me - how do i mount partitions - where do i enter the code?

Posted: Mon 23 Jun 2008, 17:47
by Kazm
All commands in linux entered in console :)
Here (in Puppy) are button on Desktop - rxvt.

And in Puppy you mounted your drives with script Pmount.
In PuppyRus (russian Puppy) we change this script (it is text file) with this mount options...

Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2008, 20:52
by shiner

1. Open Console icon from your desktop
2. From command prompt type:

mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 -o iocharset=utf8

The mount command should automaticlly identify your file system and utf8 parameter will allow you to see Hebrew file and folders.


Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2008, 21:56
by mac
thanks a huge lot. i tried it but got back this
mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on mnt/hda1 failed
so insteasd i tried pmount instead of mount, and that brought up the program, but it was still ???? instead of words. one thing i did notice was that in another partitition i have ubuntu, and there i was able to read the hebrew names of noth files and folders. maybe this is a clue that the problem is in reading ms windows fonts (hebrew). in fact i can create folders in hebrew and new files with hebrew filenames (although for some reason abiword wont let me save a file i'm working on with a hebrew filename) in puppy. so maybe its something other than hebrew support per-se

Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2008, 21:56
by mac
thanks a huge lot. i tried it but got back this
mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on mnt/hda1 failed
so insteasd i tried pmount instead of mount, and that brought up the program, but it was still ???? instead of words. one thing i did notice was that in another partitition i have ubuntu, and there i was able to read the hebrew names of noth files and folders. maybe this is a clue that the problem is in reading ms windows fonts (hebrew). in fact i can create folders in hebrew and new files with hebrew filenames (although for some reason abiword wont let me save a file i'm working on with a hebrew filename) in puppy. so maybe its something other than hebrew support per-se

Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2008, 21:57
by mac
thanks a huge lot. i tried it but got back this
mount: mounting /dev/hda1 on mnt/hda1 failed
so insteasd i tried pmount instead of mount, and that brought up the program, but it was still ???? instead of words. one thing i did notice was that in another partitition i have ubuntu, and there i was able to read the hebrew names of noth files and folders. maybe this is a clue that the problem is in reading ms windows fonts (hebrew). in fact i can create folders in hebrew and new files with hebrew filenames (although for some reason abiword wont let me save a file i'm working on with a hebrew filename) in puppy. so maybe its something other than hebrew support per-se

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2008, 00:54
by disciple
No, it will not use Windows fonts when looking at windows partitions, and not other partitions. It will always use the same fonts.

How is Puppy installed? A frugal install? Or running from CD?

When you say
but i cannot see any hebrew named folder on my hd
what do you mean by "my hd"? Is it the partition that your save file is on? That might make it more complicated.
Is it a Windows partition? What version of Windows?