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Trying to get mpg321 to work with libao

Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2005, 18:24
by Jeff

I've been battling (and losing) in getting mpg321 to play mp3 from rvxt. Typing mpg321 ivy.mp3 yields "no default libao driver available"

Typing mpg321 -o oss ivy.mp3 yields "can't find suitable libao driver (is device in use?).

Searching the web I found that

Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?)
> >
> > or
> >
> > Error: Cannot open device oss.
> >
> > depending on if i try to play mp3s or oggs.
> Check permissions on /dev/dsp, if you haven't already, perhaps?

but, fritz, you rock!! that reminded me to try talking to the
different devices (martin, your advice to "read manpages" did not help
-- what manpages??), so i ln -s'd /dev/dsp to /dev/dsp1 instead of 0,
and it works!! (i mean, so far as i can tell ... i'm not in my room,
so i can't hear the sound coming out of the speakers or not, but i'm
sure my neighbors can. heh.)

thanks, all!!

It's now beyond me, can anyone shed any light ?

Many Thanks,

Posted: Sat 22 Oct 2005, 02:14
by tempestuous
Some versions of mpg321 seem to have the libao library compiled within their binary, but some don't. So I think you need the libao library from

You will probably also need the libmad library from

And a tip - you can use xhippo (from the pupget packages) as a frontend for mpg321.

Posted: Sat 22 Oct 2005, 05:00
by Guest
Thanks for the reply, sorry I neglected to say that Puppy 1.04 already had libao. I've installed libmad but it still leaves me with the same problem.

Searching further it seems /dev/dsp is the problem, can it be shared, read/write?


The author of this post is not likely to still be waiting for a reply, but just in case somebody else has the same problem...

The problem here is that mpg321 (or whatever your player is) doesn't have write permissions for the sound device (usually /dev/dsp).

You have two choices:

a) Find out which group owns /dev/dsp (for me, it's audio) and add the apache user to that group (could be apache, www, etc.)
b) Make /dev/dsp writable by everybody

On some systems, /dev/dsp is a link to /dev/dsp0 (or something else). In such cases, the above applies to the target of /dev/dsp.

Regards Jeff.