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Windows Startmenu

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2008, 17:52
by MU
If you install a Windows program in Wine, you often have no menu-entry.

Wine meanwhile has a mechanism to create .desktop files (used to generate a menu), but this currently seems not to work in Puppy.
They have a different structure than those of Puppy.

So I attach a small program, that works different.

It scans /root/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/root/ , that represents the folders in the Windows startmenu.
These folders have ".lnk" files, that are binary files with information, where the executables are located.

My program extracts this information, and generates a small dialog.
It just displays ".exe" files, not .html or similar.

It might be cleaner to convert the .desktop files from Wine, but I just found them AFTER I wrote this utility.
And now I'm too tired to write a new program...
I did not test it in detail, but it works with 5 programs I installed.
A bit slow maybe...

It requires PuppyBasic 2.6 or newer: ... 475#220475
The old PuppyBasic 2.5 in Puppy3/4 will not work!

It creates an entry in the utilities menu.

Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011, 21:13
by ASRI éducation
I just discovered
This utility is very practical.
I updated the file findprogs to be compatible with the latest versions of Wine.
I'll probably integrate this tool in future versions of ASRI Edu (french edutainment version of Puppy).