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How to cache ROX thumbnails to a ram drive

Posted: Wed 25 May 2005, 07:01
by Bruce B
It seems to me that someone asked a question about how to prevent ROX from filling up the PUP Home device with thumbnails. I.e., can you cache the thumbnails to RAM?

I can't find the original post. In any event I've been playing around with using a RAM disk for caching the ROX thumbnails. It has been working fine.

Here is a HOW I DONE IT:

1) In the /etc/profile file I added the following lines BEFORE the exec xwin line at the bottom of the file:

# make a ram drive probably will be about 10 MB by default
mke2fs /dev/ram0
# make a mount point for the ram drive
mkdir /mnt/ram0
# mount the ram drive
mount /dev/ram0 /mnt/ram0

2) I deleted the /root/.thumbnails directory and made a link to the ram drive with the following commands

rm -r .thumbnails
ln -s /mnt/ram0 .thumbnails


It works fine and ROX caches the thumbnails to RAM. I also close Puppy by leaving X to the shell prompt and unmount the devices I mounted. Then I reboot.

I think it a good practice to unmount the RAM disk before rebooting. It is up to you.

I hope someone found this little HOW-TO useful


Edited orginal post to add this comment:

To check size and available space in the RAM drive I type the following
command at the prompt:

df -h

Posted: Wed 25 May 2005, 12:20
by BarryK
yes, I wonder how much things get slowed down, having the thumbnails in /root, hence on the hard drive?

Posted: Wed 25 May 2005, 19:07
by GuestToo
you could just symlink to a dir in ram ... maybe something like this:

put these lines somewhere in your startup files, for example, rc.local:

mkdir /tmp/.thumbnails
ln -sf /tmp/.thumbnails /root/.thumbnails

delete the /root/.thumbnails dir and your thumbnails will be in ram the next time you reboot

Posted: Wed 25 May 2005, 20:33
by GuestToo
of course, if you have an option 2 install, /tmp will not be ram

Posted: Wed 25 May 2005, 23:06
by Bruce B
GuestToo wrote:you could just symlink to a dir in ram ... maybe something like this:

put these lines somewhere in your startup files, for example, rc.local:

mkdir /tmp/.thumbnails
ln -sf /tmp/.thumbnails /root/.thumbnails

delete the /root/.thumbnails dir and your thumbnails will be in ram the next time you reboot

I really do appreciate your expertise and apparent genius. Thanks.