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How to install XMMS into Puppy?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2005, 17:14
by neobies
I'm a beginner, i have installed Chubby puppy to myHD. Now I want to install XMMS using available package (v. 1.8?) trough "install alien package" but always failed. The message said something like "... should be installed at the top folder like /root but your software wants to install anywhere else..." Can anyone help me?? Thanks :roll:


Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2005, 17:42
by klhrevolutionist
Use the dotup downloader to install xmms.
With dotpups you just press & go like an .exe
With puppy's unleashed packages you can install as an alien package.

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2005, 08:09
by MU
yes, use the dotpup.

If it does not work:
type "xmms" in a console.

If you get an error like "Bad Match", then edit /root/.xmms/config

Replace the lines there with this:

Code: Select all

If it still fails, try to run it with another WindowManager than JWM. Use Icewm for example.
