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pup001 online?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2005, 20:56
by Artie
Any chance we could have an online pup001 like Slax?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2005, 22:05
by jcagle
Do you mean like a basic pup001 file for people to start from in case for some reason Puppy Linux is unable to create the file?

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2005, 22:36
by Artie
No, I mean if Puppy can be made to create a pup001 file online instead of or in addition to the one on the HD like Slax? Just put it where I ftp my homepage or somewhere? I have three pc's online automatically configured via router and DHCP. If I could just type something at boot to fetch my configurations online I could have them available everywhere I go and also safe in case of HD breakdown or loss of CD/DVD.

On line configuration - FETCH

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2005, 01:15
by Lobster

I think this is a good idea and I mentioned before that DSL also offers this facility. This is my understanding of the issues (may contain gibberish):

Pup001 is set and saved in a min of 256 meg (so that is big)
Configuration (what you are suggesting) is different and here we have the possibility for puppy to boot up on a different computer. During this process we set up the keyboard and mouse and connection details for that computer. Or perhaps we use a recordable CD DVD which would bypass this necessity?

However . . . back to online storage. With a script and pget (I believe GuestToo recently posted a dotpup for the full version of this) and wget (assuming this appeals to someone wishing to write it) and the bcrypt facility we have the basis. Yes I did try writing this sort of script myself but my scripting/focus is not up to it . . . but what a great project
We are looking to save bookmarks, sylpheed info and perhaps my-documents and perhaps even the whole of pup001. What else? So here we have a menu of what you wish to download and upload.
We need a secure FTP server (this is where I got confused in the coding) or this might be something that individuals who have FTP might do for themselves.

We do have a server and this might be possible if you suggest/request it from raffy who runs the new server.

The idea has potential. Who is up for it? :D

Hope there is some sense in all that :?

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2005, 08:35
by MU
pup001 is huge, but you can create a smaller one.
Delete/rename the old one.
Add to grub the option PSIZE=124000

Then you should have an 124 MB pup001.

You can use even smaller ones, depending on what for you need it.

If it is almost empty (just some configurationfiles), you can compress it with tar/gz, so it is down to 12 MB or less in size.


Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2005, 15:28
by rarsa
It's an interesting concept that could be very usefull if implemented correctly.

pup001 is huge just because all the prealocated space. What really matters is the actual content of the file.

1. Also, are we talking only about configuration files or also data files?

2. Would puppy be saving directly to the network location at the end of the session as it does with the USB key and Multisession? Or more like a 'briefcase' solution where the user just drags the files she/he wants to save to the network location?

3. How to handle connection problems? ( A dropped connection ).

4. What kind of security and availability would be required/expected on the server?

5. How much space would be assigned to each user?

I actually use the Yahoo briefcase and I've found it usefull in many ways so I see how this idea can be usefull.

Here is my first take.

I think that packing the whole pup001 content would be quite impractical as it contains apps, temp files, test files, etc. Apps would take more time bringinging them back and forth as it would take reinstalling them.

I would prefer to be 'briefcase' style implemented in a similar way as the current 'trashcan' :

- The user drags the files to an icon, (data or configuration files)
- The icon would have a menu entry 'Synchronize' That would prompt with three options 'Upload everything to network', 'Download everything', 'Select most recent files'.
- Maybe puppy could have the option to ask 'Do you want to synchronize?' at shut down time.

The solution can be implemented in stages:

Stage one:
- All the choosen files are in a single packed and encrypted file. It is allways downloaded to do the synchronization.
- Encryption/unencryption happens on the user's side. The whole package is encrypted.
- All the logic is in the client. The server is just for storage.

Stage two:
- All the choosen files are in a single packed and encrypted file.
- There is an index list with information about the files packed. Only this file is downloaded to do the comparison. If deemed necessary, the packed file is downloaded.
- Encryption/unencryption happens on the user's side. The whole package is encrypted.
- All the logic is in the client. The server is just for storage.

Stage three:
- On the server all the files are packed in a single file.
- There is an index list with information about the files packed. Only this file is downloaded to do the comparison.
- The client would only pack and send (or request) the 'differences' files to the server.
- Encryption/unencryption happens on the user's side. Each file is encrypted.
- Some logic is in the client. Some logic is in the server.
- The server would have an application with the following responsibilities:
- Unpack the 'differences' package received and add the files to the full package.
- Pack the 'differences' file requested and send it back.

What I like about stages 1 and two is that the server can be whatever ftp server the user chooses.

What I like about stage 3 is that there is less data traveling between client and server.

Stage 3 is nicer but has a cost associated. Would the users be willing to fund it?


Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2005, 16:16
by klhrevolutionist
I don't think it would be a good idea personally. But if there is a way, and there might be so bare please. If there is a way to load a pupfile from cd that would be useful, you could have multi-pupfiles for different needs and uses on one cd. This is a great idea, the online pupfile, but I don't see it happening for a number of reasons in which rarsa has explained.

Uploading pup001

Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2005, 00:03
by raffy
Puppy already has a dotpup system that can take care of this. One script can be done to save/restore such dotpups, i guess.

More info about the Slax technique here.

Rarsa already made a good discussion of the possible alternatives. A minimal way (like a briefcase) may be implemented as well as a maximal way (saving all changes). It will be the user's choice - s/he can choose to pay for the bandwidth anyway.

Am not sure though if the Xwindows settings are saved - maybe not, as the user goes from one PC to another.