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Posted: Tue 14 Oct 2008, 11:16
by aragon
Version: 2.0.6
Paco is a source code package organizer for Unix/Linux systems, originally written to aid package management when installing an LFS system.

When installing a package from sources, paco wraps the "make install" command (or whatever is needed to install the files into the system), and generates a log containing the list of all installed files.

Technically, this is done by preloading a shared library before installation using the environment variable LD_PRELOAD. During installation this library catches the system calls that cause filesystem alterations, logging the created files.

Like any other package manager, paco also provides several options to show package information in different formats. It can remove packages too, among some other basic operations. See the man page for more details.

Gpaco is the graphic interface of paco.
If i run 'new2dir make install' i always have to look into the filesystem, if new2dir has 'lost' something. So i looked for something that logs the installed files better. paco seems to do so.

For all options look at the homepage or in the included manpages.

Screenshots are here:

Simple instruction:
1. After running e.g configure and make you use 'paco -l -D'. That means that paco logs the installation and uses the actual directory-name for naming.
2. Open gpaco. You'll see an item of your new installed package. Double-click. Now you see all logged files. You can now (for example) uninstall the files or pack them into a zipped file.

The config file is at /usr/local/etc. Logfiles are at /root/.paco/log.

Needs glibmm, gtkmm and cairomm. Get them from ... ackages-4/

Compiled and tested in Dingo (4.00).


Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 06:59
by battleshooter
Aragon man, thanks so much, Paco is awesome! You suggested to me a year ago, but I only looked at it today, and man, it's so useful!!! Compiling KDE4 and I needed something to pet the qmake stuff. Driving myself but the wall, but Paco...brilliant stuff!!! Thanks so much again! :D


Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 19:41
by aragon

after all these years ;-)

but you're right, in some circumstances it's just the right tool.


Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 20:48
by 01micko
Hi aragon

I'm going to try this!

It looks like the answer to some woes.

I'm trying to package Xfce4-4.6.2... what a nightmare! (I could imagine KDE being 10X the nightmare :lol: )



Posted: Wed 30 Jun 2010, 21:24
by battleshooter
01micko wrote: (I could imagine KDE being 10X the nightmare :lol: )
Pretty much :) KDE's not so bad once you get the hang of it, and Paco, man, my savior... :D
aragon wrote: after all these years

but you're right, in some circumstances it's just the right tool.
Yeah, after all these years :) If only I tried it out sooner. I guess I was to enamored with the discovery of DESTDIR back then :P :lol: Paco's awesome, hope it gets more attention.


Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 11:00
by aragon
battleshooter wrote:
I guess I was to enamored with the discovery of DESTDIR back then :P :lol: Paco's awesome, hope it gets more attention.

DESTDIR is the way i usually use because it's simpler and faster than using paco. but if DESTDIR fails, paco helps.


Posted: Thu 01 Jul 2010, 11:05
by 01micko
Paco is up to 2.0.9.. I just compiled in Lupu.

Definitely need those *mm headers including pangomm :wink: and then if compiles in a jiffy.

Handy tool.
