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Putting Puppy to work on eBay; recs on Firewall, Signin, AV?

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 01:16
by aahhaaa
Once eBay came along, I was finally able to put my computers to work, and at least have them earn more than they cost. :D

I'd like to put Puppy to work and see how it goes in this real-world context, but I'm wondering about using a firewall like Monmoth, or using the password stuf in Firefox.

Anybody else doing eBay or PayPal or e-banking etc with Puppy?

Recommendations/cautions for adding any particular programs?


Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 01:34
by klhrevolutionist
I would recommend that if you are using firefox, you get the no script extension as well as the adblock extension, and the cookie filter extension.

The ones below can be done by going to edit -> preferences
Also, disable history in your browser, disable passwords, forms.
Enable SSL.

Also, you might want to look at GnuPGP this is an encryption program.
If I were you I would not keep any sensitive number's on your machine at all
Write them on paper is much safer.

Also use a proxy, I have got Jap_Proxy.pup on this same page.

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2005, 16:50
by aahhaaa
Thanks KLH- you're always a help! :wink:

I'm mostly concerned with entering passwords, and the way eBay goes back & forth between secure & unsecure pages. In theory, Puppy on CD would be perfect- no way for a keystroke logger to persist.
But then there's the email traffic too... wish I understood the complexities better, but if servers are happier with Linux for security, that should apply to Puppy as well.

I d/l'd F-Prot just to see what it is like, apparently it hasn't reached a 1.0 version yet. Very samll updates, but that's to be expected. It warns about running as root, so I'm pondering that too.

ps noticed that eBay is pushing Skype now...

will check out Monmoth next. I clicked on a Puppy wiki page with the center mouse button by accident, and some totally unrelated web page popped up. It's a jungle out there! :?