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Newbie Help

Posted: Sat 07 May 2005, 09:24
by Rich
Command line - scripts - it's all greek to me.
Well, it was but I'm getting more familiar with the basics and how the OS actually does things.

With that in mind ( and I'm keen to learn ! ) can anyone recommend Books or Websites that will help users new to the whole Linux experience.



Posted: Sat 07 May 2005, 14:26
by Flash
The Wikipedia is an excellent source of up-to-date information about Linux, and the price is right.

O'Reilly books has the widest selection of books on all things Linux. Much useful information such as entire chapters of O'Reilly books is available to read for free.

Posted: Sun 08 May 2005, 16:52
by kmoffat
"The Linux Cookbook" by carla schroder, from O'Reilly, is new, uptodate and quite good.

To get you started. search the web for "The Rute Book" which is a good intro and is freely available.

Posted: Mon 09 May 2005, 07:39
by thoughtjourney

Good Books

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 18:03
by ezeze5000
The no BS guide to Linux... by Bob Rankin

Linux In A Nutshell O'Reilly

Running Linux O'Reilly

Teach yourself Linux Steve Oualline and Eric Foster-Johnson

Beginning Red Hat 9

Red Hat Linux 9 Bible

Red Hat Linux 9 for Dummies

These are a few books that I have, that helped me get started.

and of course you need to download "RUTE"

I hope this helps!


Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 18:15
by Rich
yeah, a few of us on the forum last night were looking at Rute Book.
Very impressive ( and educational too ).

Cheers for all the tips.

Posted: Fri 13 May 2005, 02:19
by nduanetesh
I'm pretty surprised that no one has mentioned this link:

(were I smarter, I would actually make that a link)

Edit: I see that the forum made it a link automagically.

...which is Barry's own personal, in-depth rundown of some important fundamental Linux concepts. This link can be found on the Puppy home page. (I'll bet very few of us ever scroll down that far on the main page anymore...)

Anyway, I found it to be a *very* useful refresher on some of the most important basic concepts of linux.


PS. for more fun, change the "3" in the URL to another number, to find other chapters! It's fun for the whole family!

Posted: Fri 13 May 2005, 03:06
by Lobster