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Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 07:01
by vtpup
MediaPup 1.0alpha download at:

(user: puppy, password: linux)


--or-- ... up1-0a.iso

and user pavolo has uploaded it here as well:
I have (re-)uploaded the ISO file to Megaupload . You can download it in
one go , as a free user, here:

You can click on the following link to download:

I've been working for the last week trying to put together a DVD of slides and movies of my 2-1/2 year old daughter for my 84 year old father to make what I thought was going to be a simple disk.

Poor Puppy 4.1.2 retro and I got totally lost in a morass of multimedia editors with countless dependencies codecs, and libraries, but finally slugged our way through with Puppy still managing to boot, and a bunch of multimedia editors onboard.

It occurs to me that others may not want to face what I had to do to get this stuff to even open up, so I've remastered my installation and have posted it above.

Here's what I have onboard:

ManDVD ver 2.54
K3b (thanks Jcoder)
K9copy (Thanks (Mu)
Mplayer -- full including mencoder (thanks Big Bass)
ffmpeg (more features than the 'official' Puppy 4 version)
Wine 1.17 (thanks Wolf Pup)
and even Pixia on Wine, as a photo editing alternative

..........and everything else they require.

I'll even throw in Winff even though I haven't got it working yet. :lol:

Installation Notes:

Please make sure you can run Puppy 412retro on your computer before trying this MediaPup alpha. Just download that and try it in puppy pfix=ram.

If that works, please take steps to protect your personal save file -- if you have one, by renaming it, or backing it up, or putting it in a 2 deep subdirectory. Puppy only searches for it one deep.

MediaPup is 322 megabytes at present. If you have 1024 megs of combined ram and swap space on disk, (total) you should be able to run it with puppy pfix=ram for the first trial. Then create a new personal save file from it. After that you can boot normally. (I'll be working on trying to get this puplet smaller in the future)

If you have less memory, you'll probably need to start with puppy pfix=noram which will run it off of the lLiveCD (or even a memory stick if you put the iso there).

With enough RAM (say a gig) it's lightning fast in pfix=ram or frugal install. But performance is still pretty good with the other options. Full installs run fast, too, with much less ram.

Posted: Mon 12 Jan 2009, 07:20
by vtpup
Here are some screenshots of ManDVD, kino, avidemux, and mhwaveedit.

Media Pup

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 03:07
by puppyiso
Hello, vtpup

I have joined today just to let you know the fact that you have at least one man who desaperatly need your MEDIA PUP.

Please find some ways to uploiad your puppy.

I use 4.12 on my Toshiba laptop and 2.14R on my old P4. But I use P4 mostly because Audacity is not working with the laptop and recording is my daily routine.

So to use audacity, I have to download windows version and use wine to use it. Besides Audacity, I have to use 3D modelling program Wings 3D, Goldwave etc.

I did try installing WINE on both but somehow it's not working properly.
I now want any puppy with WINE pre installed. I spent 2 whole days just to find and download MiPup but it seemed like chasing a ghost.

I searched ANY distro with any kind of emulator and downloaded quite a bit but none are as fast as Puppy.

I now have only one way to get wine pre installed puppy which is yours.


If for some reason, you can't get a place to upload, please email me how to get your puppy. I might upload it on my site and put a link on the seperate page.(My site is for Koreans learning English so I need a seperate page.)

In any case, please let me or us know where to get yours. And for God sake, don't give up uploading it. At least I and me and myself 3 persons need it so badly.

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 03:39
by vtpup

Mediapup now available at link in first post.

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2009, 03:50
by vtpup

Also, you want to make sure that your computer will run Puppy 4.1.2 retro.

I just checked a remastered mediapup disk that runs fine on my p4 Thinkpad T30 laptop, but throws a kernel panic on my P4 desktop with serial ata drives. This isn't due to the remaster -- it does the same thing with a vanilla Puppy 412 retro disk. It will run the later kernel fine. However, I don't have mediapup on the later kernel.

So check out your computer's compatibility with a standard 4.1.2 retro disk before geting too excited. I built mediapup on a retro kernel because I couldn't get my laptop to work with DVD drives properly using the later kernel.


Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 03:04
by puppyiso
Perhaps I over emphasized only on WINE and audacity.

I use onebase studio version, ArtistXand Musix for my personal production wiork.

I just want to consolidate my distros as one, Puppy.

I think the torrent is good idea. Thank you for your reply and help.

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 07:13
by vtpup


Please make sure you can run Puppy 412retro on your computer before trying this MediaPup alpha. Just download that and try it in puppy pfix=ram.

If that works, please take steps to protect your personal save file -- if you have one, by renaming it, or backing it up, or putting it in a 2 deep subdirectory. Puppy only searches for it one deep.

MediaPup is 322 megabytes at present. If you have 512 megs of ram, you should be able to run it with pfix=ram for the first trial. Then create a new personal save file from it. After that you can boot normally.

If you have less memory, you'll need to start with puppy pfix=noram.

I haven't tested anything from the remastered version -- I just opened the programs to see if they came up. They all did.

I did test ManDVD and MHWaveedit pretty extensively before I remastered, and also ran videos in the others briefly and tried out a few of the features. I don't have a firewire camera so I couldn't check that out -- I just worked with video and audio files.

ManDVD has some quirks -- but those are part of the program version (latest)I think, not the installation (I hope).

I don't know for sure whether you also need to load up devx412.sfs to run any of the programs full features. Try it if you run into any problems. You add that with the puppy Bootmanager, and you get it from ibiblio.

Anyway, good luck -- I have to get some sleep now.



Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 14:55
by puppyiso
Thank you for your detailed information, Steve.

I have three machines running puppies only and I already have tried all kinds of puppies on them. I am pretty sure that your puppy will be fine with my machines.

My machines are;

1. 2GB RAM Toshiba laptop (mainly used by my Queen) Puppy v4.12

2. 256MB RAM P4 1.6Hz (mainly used by me) Puppy v 2.14R

3. 128MB RAM P2 500MHz(mostly for typing and web surfing) Puppy v2.14R

(If my Toshiba laptop didn't have a problem with mouse, it would run 2.14R.) It's been a while using 2.14R. It's about time to upgrade to 4 series.


Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 19:25
by vtpup
MediaPup is now available through the link added to the first post in this thread, above.

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 20:17
by vtpup
A few tips for working with ManDVD that I gained through trial and error:

1.) -- well this first one applies to all media programs if you have a frugal install : try to set up any program save, temporary, or working directories to an area outside of your puppy personal save file like /mnt/home/ or on another HD partiton. Media usually needs lots of working disk space, and a personal save file is often too small for this. You should probably try to keep your personal save file under 2 gigs.

2.) In Mandvd for the old standard US use, choose NTSC 720x480 resolution, and 4/3 aspect ratio.

3.) Despite the warning at the end of the program to de-interlace for LCD or plasma displays, I found no problems if I didn't do that. I DID have problems with ordinary CRT 4/3 televisions if I de-interlaced however. So the best choice seems to be, don't de-interlace.

4.) On the other hand I did have a problem if I didn't re-encode all videos for ac3 sound (another warning and option near the end of the program). The program seemed to hang during DVD generation for some of my videos if I didn't re-encode. So that option is recommended.

5.) ManDVD has a very cool DVD menu editor. Try using a photograph background, turn it sepia, and then add your videos as thumbnail video still captures on top of that.

6.) The mask and chapter options are a little difficult to work with. Not quite sure yet how to use them properly.

7.) Pains in the rear: No program preferences -- the whole program is a wizard. No global settings for transitions and view durations for all slides. You have to set each slide individually. No Project save after you get to the menu stage. You can only save the early work, not the later menu work.

Unfortunately, this very nice program is languishing with no further development work. One hopes someone new will take it over and move it forward, since it is a lot of fun to use -- and would be MUCH improved with some reasonably small changes.


Posted: Thu 15 Jan 2009, 13:48
by puppyiso
I started downloading MediaPup this morining from and
the download is not finished as of now.(something like 12 hours so far) used to be fast but now unbearably slow. (but when I remind the fact that is a site unable to connect, I am still lucky. Whatever uploaded to is not available to download.)

I might be able to see the download completed by the end of tomorrow.

I hope.

Posted: Thu 15 Jan 2009, 16:56
by vtpup
Well, considering that there have been 500 hits on this thread in the last couple of days, maybe others are trying to download that file, too.

Also considering that Eric maintains that site as a free service to the community, and the problems he's had recently, I think we ought to be thankful it exists at all.

Why not open your own site -- I'll be happy to post it there.

Posted: Thu 15 Jan 2009, 20:55
by Dingo
Mirror for

MediaPup added ... s:mediapup

I hope it will be faster

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 01:40
by vtpup
Thanks Dingo!

(Alternate url added to first post.)


Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 03:27
by puppyiso
Don't get me wrong. I do appreciate what does for all of us. We all owe great deal to Eric.

I just couldn't believe my eyes when the download speed came down to 5kb something because it shouldn't be liike that.

I now believe that's because the local internet provider here in China have somekind of problem at this moment. Their service is sometimes unstable.

Back in the US and Korea, the internet environments were much better than here. I hope things will get better.

I thank you for making MediaPup and spending time to upload it. I also thank puppylover's mirroring.

Ultimately, I am grateful to the man who started all this, Mr.Barry Kauler . All my machines are running on the puppies and my quite near future new laptop(netbook) will be running on pupylinux. Without his pupplinux, I am not free from fighting virus and forced to upgrade hardware to run something like Vista.

Lastly, I would like to mention that I have tried a few hundred distros for the past 5 years and puppylinux is the final choice for me.


Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 04:24
by puppyiso
The download is completed and I am sending this screenshots from mediaPup.

WINE works fine and I now am pretty much independent from other media related distros.

Thank you Steve!


Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 16:31
by vtpup
You're welcome! Sorry it took so long.

Let us know what works and doesn't in the included apps. when you get a chance.

I'm now working on reducing the size.

And possibly adding Audacity.

Also working on recompiling Winff. for Puppy and Gtk+ 2.12.1 This is a problem because it needs Pascal and Lazarus, and that looks like a job in itself -- unless someone out there with them already onboard a 412 retro puppy could help out with a compile of Winff.....

Looking at Cinelarra, too. Though maybe putting too much in one Puplet, then.

Thinking it should be what I have now for home and fun use, and maybe Cinelarra and Audacity together for another version for pros.

The nice thing is these can run off the CD in pfix=ram if you have a gig of ram (at present -- maybe reduced later) and you don't have to install anything to do serious media editing, no matter what your OS. Just save data to your Media partition or disk.

Considering how to make this all into an sfs instead of a pupplet.

Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2009, 03:44
by Lobster
Considering how to make this all into an sfs instead of a pupplet
Thanks very much for putting this together and making it available. I am posting from it now :)

The SFS would be a good idea - making your suite of programs available for 'Deep Thought' (4.2 - first alpha expect 25 Jan 2009 aprox) and beyond.

Be aware that Audacity worked OK (after much problems getting it to work) in the 2.xx and the Slackware compatible 3.xx series BUT as far as I am aware has not yet successfully been compiled for the 4.xx series of Puppy.

Anyway will be passing on Mediapup to my brother in law who has been asking for such a disk be interesting how he gets on.

Meanwhile for those with 1GB or ram and a video camera . . .
Where are our advertorials? Youtube training vids? Puppy promotions?

Looking forward to further installments :)

Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2009, 06:30
by GeoffS
I'm very interested in this but have not got the download left for this month to give it a try :( . I might have to raid some friends bandwith :) .
In reply to Lobster's comment -
Be aware that Audacity worked OK (after much problems getting it to work) in the 2.xx and the Slackware compatible 3.xx series BUT as far as I am aware has not yet successfully been compiled for the 4.xx series of Puppy.
I run Audacity 1.3.5 quite OK in Puppy 4.0.
That's all for now.

wish list

Posted: Sat 17 Jan 2009, 08:21
by puppyiso
Some thing to include in the MediaPup? I do have a wish list.

As a lazy guy who doesn't want to compile source code with GCC, I couldn't be happier if someone else does the compiling for the programs I want to use without using any kind of emulator.

Nothing is better than running in native mode.

Here comes my wish list.

1. Audacity
2. Wings 3D
3. K3D
4. Kino
5. any program similiar to Flash

I hope above programs are included in the next version of MediaPup.

One thing, When I exit from MediaPup, soemhow it goes blank and had to reboot. I think it is my hardware problem.