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The Puppy Gui tinycc project

Posted: Sat 28 May 2005, 15:57
by Lobster
Jesse writes on the wiki

a C based compiler and gui toolkit. I've written a minimal one for OpenGL so I know a bit about them.

I would seriously consider helping anyone who wanted to work on any of these projects. Let me know.

We have tinycc. Is there such a thing as a minimal open source GUI design kit for Linux - must be - I saw some minute and wonderful ones for Windows using assembler.

Who knows of such things?

Posted: Sun 29 May 2005, 11:46
by Jesse
Oh my gosh!
I just had a bit of an idea, typed it into google.... and there is such a thing as TinyGL (minimal OpenGL software only implementation) now I'm wondering if I could "plug" it into the old stuff I did...
Oh dear theres too many cool things that I want to work on... cool :-)

Posted: Sun 29 May 2005, 12:37
by Jesse
OMG! I compiled TinyGL with TCC on PuppyLinux (had to convert makefiles) but I got some animated graphics on the screen WayCool!, there seems to be a bug with color depth not quite being handled correctly, so colors are not as expected, but this looks very cool :)

Posted: Sun 29 May 2005, 13:08
by Jesse
I figured it out, but have not bug fixed it yet, it only draws 16 bit graphics, even on 24 or 32 bit displays, so pixel boundarys overlap and you never see an intended colour on those displays...
here is a screenshot of "mech" running in puppy (16 bit display):

this needs quite a bit of cosmetic work, but looks very promising :-)

libTinyGL.a compiled to 135Kb, and the executable "mech" is 129Kb (staticly linked)

I'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow...


Posted: Sun 29 May 2005, 15:27
by BarryK
That's fascinating!

The OpenGL libraries in Mandrake are and (I think this second one is also part of OpenGL, not sure). Sizes are 460K and 556K stripped., yes, libGLU needs libGL. Dunno what the difference is between them.


Posted: Mon 30 May 2005, 13:50
by PeterSieg
Hi Jesse. Picture looks great! I saw that TinyGL is from the same guru as

Could you please upload your tarball with your modifications, when 'done'?
Probably with some howto informations on which TinyCC version used and
what one has to watch out for...

Many Thanks,

Posted: Mon 30 May 2005, 14:56
by Jesse
Ah, there are lots of pitfals awaiting your arrival.
First install puppy to a harddisk partition
compile TCC 0.9.22 from on another linux like vector or mandrake
tar up the tcc dir, move it to puppy, untar it then install it.
Install utilities make,ar from your other distro (just copy from /bin to /bin)
copy over the /usr/include from your build system into puppy to /usr/local/include
also copy over the X11 include directory from build system to /usr/local/include/X11
extract tinyGL 0.4 from
extract my attached build scripts, run the one in the src dir then the one in the examples dir, and you will have a mech executable.
(that sould keep you fairly busy) its easy as a walk in the park :wink:

I've just discovered OpenGUI which might be what I'm after, its been in development for a few years, written in C++, not too bloated.



Posted: Tue 31 May 2005, 04:22
by Boukman
Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but there is always FLTK.

Posted: Tue 31 May 2005, 13:48
by BarryK
I did create a Unleashed TCC awhile back, put in a selection of header files, don't recall exactly what, think it was basic C headers plus GTK1 headers.
PupGet can download it.

I can add more headers to it to improve it.

C Status?

Posted: Fri 24 Jun 2005, 04:22
by Lobster
It says on the tcc site
* UNLIMITED! Any C dynamic library can be used directly. TCC is heading torward full ISOC99 compliance. TCC can of course compile itself.
Does that mean if the libraries required in the header are placed on
Puppy Developers edition, we can compile Puppy several times faster than gcc on Vector Linux?

Now I know great interest was expressed in creating a GUI front end for tcc and John Murga was interested in creating a programmers Puppy or did I dream all these things?

tsk. tsk. :shock:
  • Waz 'appenin' Dudelles*?
    Bin sitting in the sun frying your brains out?
tsk. tsk. :shock:

*women Dudes and programmers with too much doodle and not enough noodle