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Puppy Database pre-Alpha

Posted: Sat 07 Feb 2009, 17:32
by Lobster
Hi guys
HELP! :shock:

We have been trying to code a simple front end to SQlite3 (in Puppy 4.xx series)
Enclosed is the gtkdialog3/Bash code we are using to call the SQLite Database file - PuppDB

This is the line we are trying to call from the InsertData button

Code: Select all

sqlite3 PuppDB "insert into info values ('"$INPUTNAME"','"$INPUTINFO"','"$INPUTURL"');"

How do we do this? :oops:

In order to examine the PuppyDB file and any changes you require sqlitestudio (also enclosed below)
This is a massive but complete binary for creating and examining sqlite databases

You can download the below code, the PuppDB and SQLitestudio from here

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
#! /usr/sbin/gtkdialog3 -e

# Puppy Database ver 0.4 created by Lobster and Shadow
# for Puppy DeepThought and Linux Tmxxine
# Feb 2009 GPL v3 License

export Puppybase='
<window title="PuppyDB SQLite3">
  <text><label>Add info</label></text>
  <button help>
   <action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "Pwget - HELP" --msgbox "Puppy Database is a simple front end to SQLite3 for 4.xx series Puppy including Dingo, 4.1.2 and Deep Thought (under development) This version is pre-Alpha quality. \n\n Lobster & Shadow, Feb 2009" 600x0`</action>
  <button cancel></button>

I=$IFS; IFS=""
for STATEMENTS in $(gtkdialog3 --program=Puppybase --center); do
function insert(){
  sqlite3 PuppDB "insert into info values ('"$INPUTNAME"','"$INPUTINFO"','"$INPUTURL"');"

Posted: Mon 09 Feb 2009, 09:16
by Lobster
Before trying to program
I examined this thread

and eventually concluded that a secure and powerful option was
sqlitestudio ... 751#263497

The reasons I like sqlitestudio is it contains sqlite in a single linux binary and a Windows exe
This means you can have a database on a keydrive and run it on a Windows or any Linux distro - just don't lose that USB thumbdrive
The developer is on the above thread - so give him some feedback :)

However for Puppy something smaller and simpler is required
Something like so:

sqlitestudio-3.0.7.tar.xz: 18 M could be used with tahrpup

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016, 15:03
by Pelo
sqlitestudio-3.0.7.tar.xz: 18 M
Taxrxz dowloaded, needs QT5. i shall see when i use Tahrpup.
It's really because i am curious. I used a lot database at the office in the past
(as Application system , IBM ?) for an airline to analyse activity.
I am retired now, and i thought that a database would be of some interest for Puppy, but it's a fantastic 'flop'. fiasco, lack of interest...
Nevertheless, i will try it.
Lobster was full of hope here, topic same subject
X-basic could interest me
Lobster has gone, i worry, we shall have been two, it's more fun.
Toronto ? 17% of canadians speak french, I Musher0 interested, i shall see with him.