itunes and Puppy

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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itunes and Puppy

#1 Post by Mazzo »

There is a gap in the market at the moment with linux and itunes.

The only way to get itunes to work on linux is by buying Crossover Office ($40)

I got an ipod and itunes vouchers for my birthday and as I don't use Windows at all, I can't get onto itunes to spend them! I might have to buy Crossover as Wine won't work (even though Crossover feeds back it's advances to Wine!)

If we could get itunes working on Puppy (using some or all of the Wine dll's) I would think that it would suddenly make Puppy extremely attractive to the linux community. Elevating Puppy status and filling a gap in the market at the same time.

I don't know how hard it is to do it, but I do know we have lots of very clever and inventive people involved with Puppy.

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