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Scribus Desktop Publishing Let's call it a beta

Posted: Sun 29 Mar 2009, 19:06
by playdayz
I have made a pet of Scribus It is identified by as the latest stable release. It is a Slackware binary. There was a Scribus as a file for Puppy 3 and I saw that muggins had prepared a pet of 1.35 but withdrew it AFAIK; I apologize if I have missed a working pet since then. It requires Python and QT3.3.8 (links below). In my 4.1.2 and 4.2 Final it does something weird, which is that it will start fine from a console (just enter scribus) but it will not start from the menu entry or even by clicking the scribus main file in /usr/bin. It seems that rebooting the computer (not just restarting the window manager or X) fixes the problem. From the console there are no error messages at all on any of my setups.

I have tested that it starts and runs on Wow's Unnamed Pet and on MU's NewYearsPup (incompatible with xcompmgr). The word from MU is that NewYearsPup already contains all of the dependencies, so that the only file needed is the Scribus also looks better in NYP, which must have some more infrastructure tos et up and use the qt themes (?) Scribus is also tested on 4.1.2 and 4.2 with the menu problem mentioned.

I was interested because it seems like one of those useful mainstream apps that could contribute to the usability of Puppy and linux in general and I am trying to prepare a production machine that would allow me to move completely or almost completely away from Windows. . I have not made any effort to shrink it--it runs like this and shrinking it would be real work ;-) The total installed size with all the requirements is around 130MB.

I use the Python 2.5.2 prepared by big_bass; I install all three of the pets.

I also use the qt3.3.8 which is listed in the Puppy Package Manager (the word "install" under the picture of the box with pet written on it on the top row of Puppy 4, or, Menu -> Setup -> Puppy Package Manager). When the package manager starts you have to change it from Puppy 4 to Puppy 3 by clicking the radio button. Then click qt3.3.8 to install.

One of the Python pets, the Scribus pet, and the qt3.3.8 take a while to install, so just wait patiently.

If Scribus doesn't run from the menu then please type scribus in a console.

I have done only minimal testing, so that is one reason it is a beta. Another reason is the weirdness with the menu, which might be just something I have done to my setup. A third is that it does not work with the composite manager, but that is not present by default in 4.2 anyway. And, oh yes, it doesn't look as good as I think it should. There are some qt themes present and selecting between them makes minimal changes in the ui, but I still think it should be able to look better. If you find any problems or better yet, solutions, I will do what I can to implement them. Thank you.

Python 2.5.2 ... 14&t=31558
You need all three files.

Qt3.3.8 - as described above. Please remember, you need the, all three of the python pets, and the qt3.3.8.

Posted: Sun 29 Mar 2009, 19:59
by pa_mcclamrock
"X-Document" should work for the category, I think. Try using the contents of my Textmaker-wordprocessor.desktop file as a model:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Textmaker wordprocessor
Comment=Textmaker wordprocessor
GenericName=Textmaker wordprocessor

Posted: Mon 30 Mar 2009, 07:45
by dejan555
It's a sticky topic about that right in this subforum:

Got that menu

Posted: Mon 30 Mar 2009, 17:45
by playdayz
Thank you pa_mcclamrock, coolpup, and dejan555. You all helped me out of the hole. It is funny that when I am doing something everyday then it is all on the top of my head, but if I don't do it for a few months, where does it go? That is a problem with short term memory becoming long term I think. I used the sticky in this very forum dejan, and then forgot completely where it was.

The "categories" like X-Document that are specific to Puppy for the desktop file are written somewhere. I still have not refound them.

And then the location of the desktop file in /usr/share/applications and the basic format is well documented, but the location of the "scribus24.png" icon in /usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons is not so obvious from the written material I found. Thanks again. I hope you might benefit from the pet.

Posted: Tue 31 Mar 2009, 08:16
by aragon
hy playdayz,

maybe the file you're looking for is

Code: Select all


SCRIBUS : How many users of that ?

Posted: Mon 02 Dec 2013, 09:30
by Pelo
SCRIBUS : How many users of that ?
Either Scribus ia a perfect tool either nobody uses it ? Hum, i'am sure the second answer is true;
Nevertherless, Scribus is available free of charge with Polarpup and Wary.

dont't forget to sweep the dust.... :!:

Posted: Sun 28 Feb 2016, 02:36
by Pelo
Scribus will never be used. It's one of the applications You can put on your shelf, dont't forget to sweep the dust.... :!: