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Unable to open files on Windows' drive

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2009, 04:17
by doug333x
I know there must be an easy answer to this. I have tried several Puppy distros and on all of them, i can't seem to get to the windows drives in file manager. I have mounted all the disks. I know they are hda1 and hda5 but when I manage to browse my way to them in file manager-it always says it can't open them. When I try to navigate to the media files I want in Gxine-I can't even get to the drives. The only way I've been able to play these files in Puppy is to use Pmount to unmount then mount the drives-that brings up a window with the drives and then I drag and drop a media file into Gxine. What am I doing wrong?

Posted: Tue 07 Apr 2009, 06:35
by disciple
Puppy does not mount your disks automatically when you turn the computer on.
If you want to, you can put a script to do so in /root/Startup

1. Unmount your disks and try running the code to mount them in a terminal, just to make sure you can do it (N.B. you can paste text into and from rxvt by pressing the middle mouse button).
The code is something like

Code: Select all

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5
Hopefully I haven't made a mistake; I'm not home at the moment.

2. Make a new file and put the code in it, with this line at the top of the file:

Code: Select all

3. Right click on the file and choose the option to set permissions, to make the file executable.

Next time you boot Puppy should run that script automatically.

There are also ways to automatically mount whatever drives happen to be plugged in, so if you add drives they will also be mounted. e.g. ... 936#126028

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2009, 08:34
by doug333x
Thanks-your advice works!