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Wine - Puppy TIme Zone unknown

Posted: Tue 29 Nov 2005, 23:07
by BlackAdder
The following message appears really often when running programs in a glass of Puppy Wine:
fixme:ntdll:TIME_GetTZAsStr Can't match system time zone name "PUP", bias=-480 and dst=0 to an entry in TZ_INFO. Please add appropriate entry to TZ_INFO and submit as patch to wine-patches
The .dll named handles time zones, but it seems that Puppy passes a string that gets it really confused. Does anyone know how to set the time zone for Puppy with Wine? The control panel time zone setting has no effect.

Posted: Tue 29 Nov 2005, 23:14
by Guest
you can edit the file TZ in /etc
the time zone letters are ignored by most program
you could try changing PUP to GMT or UTC or EST or PST and reboot

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2005, 02:11
by BlackAdder
Thanks for that. PST, EST, GMT, UTC and CST are all in the WINE table. The messages no longer appear after changing /etc/TZ