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How to view/access my windows files from puppy?(Solved)

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2005, 04:26
by sprizz
Is there any way I can mount my windows partition so I can
view/access my windows files from puppy?

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2005, 04:55
by MU
Does it not work with "Utilities - pmount" or "MUT" ?


Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2005, 05:47
by Guest
if you have a pup001 file, the partition it is on will already be mounted on /mnt/home, and the other files in the partition will be visible in /mnt/home

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2005, 16:51
by sprizz
if you have a pup001 file, the partition it is on will already be mounted on /mnt/home, and the other files in the partition will be visible in /mnt/home
ahh, okay thanks, that makes sense.......