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[OPEN] Abiword does not automatically open .docx extentions

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 01:25
by ecomoney
When clicking on .docx files from M$ Office 2007, they attempt to open in pupzip, rather than abiword. This has the capability of opening them now.

I believe Ttuxxx has created a fix for this (mime-types)

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 06:15
by disciple
IMHO the mimetypes etc need quite an overhaul - I would have done a fair amount myself if the relevant package was in some sort of versioning system or something so we could update it easily... how far did PG get to with setting up one of those?

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 06:32
by Pizzasgood
some sort of versioning system or something so we could update it easily... how far did PG get to with setting up one of those?
I have the bulk of the work done, but this semester has been extremely busy. I'd intended to already be working on a new Pizzapup using the Git system to make sure it works well and to make sure it's worth the effort of using it. (Definitely worth the effort of setting up due to the learning I did). But I haven't even had a chance to start.

This week is my last week. Just three finals, way too much packing, and moving out in a hurry (they like giving us a short deadline to be gone followed by a steep fine for being late). Then I get to live out of a suitcase for a few days before flying north and beginning my nice relaxing 40 hour per week internship. No homework with an internship. :)

So I'll be able to start Pizzapup sometime in the "near" future and get some real usage data and experience.

Meanwhile WhoDo is retiring. I don't know who will be the next coordinator nor whether they'll be willing to try Git. But on the plus side, it gives me time to get caught up so that when the time comes I'll have a more concrete answer than "well, I suppose it will theoretically save us time and energy". Which is all I have for now. :roll:

For now, there is a Git repo at git:// that is up to date with 4.1.2 in the master branch, and mostly up to date with 4.2 in the 420update branch. The 4.2 update is a little off though, because I found some inconsistencies between the unleashed packages and the released iso. That's an issue in itself, outside of Git. I told WhoDo but either he didn't get my email or it slipped through the cracks. I'll go remind him before I forget.

That git tree is not final yet, until I've gotten some real-world usage in the form of Pizzapup to be confident nothing is missing. But it does build a bootable ISO that seems proper, even for 4.2. (Obviously the 4.2 one is not actually proper).

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 08:22
by WhoDo
disciple wrote:IMHO the mimetypes etc need quite an overhaul - I would have done a fair amount myself if the relevant package was in some sort of versioning system or something so we could update it easily... how far did PG get to with setting up one of those?
Pizzasgood wrote:I have the bulk of the work done...
I have also been advised that coolpup is reviewing the mime-types in /root/Choices/MIME-types to try and resolve a few issues like .mp4 recognition, etc. It would seem important that disparate efforts don't cross over here. Since I won't be coordinating after 4.2.1 is released, the community needs to decide how that will happen.

On another matter, it doesn't help that some people insist on reporting as bugs numerous issues that have already been identified elsewhere and are in the full process of rectification. It splinters the effort and confuses the devs working on those issues. In this case the .docx "bug" has not only been reported but a fix already posted! Why report it again?

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 09:16
by Billwho?
!!!!*** BUG ***!!!!

FFS Rob give the rest of the community a chance. Only list bugs that have not already been identified. Preferably all in one post not over three f*ing search pages for "show posts since last visit"

Apologies to the community but my patience ran out tonight.
No wonder WhoDo has "pulled the pin". I would have walked long ago. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 11:18
by ecomoney
This forum section wrote:Forum index » Advanced Topics » Puppy Projects » Next Puppy Development » Bugs
This forum section is a checklist of bugs in 4.2.1 Release Candidate 1. It is a bugfixed 4.2.0. Ive reported this bug again here because it has not been included. From what I can see its working great....if whodo chooses to use it.

Using it was discussed in [ur=]this forum section[/url] as a way we could better track bugs, and make sure they were rectified in our actual releases. Bugfixes are great as an interim measure for our developers and more experienced users, but of a lot less use to our "linux newbs" unless they are actually included in our main offering at Trawling forums for bugfixes is not as productive a use of time as just clicking on your word document someone has sent you and it opening.

Whodo if you include this (already prepared) fix you will be saving people collectively around the globe thousands of hours of their time, and doing a lot to boost the reputation of linux as an operating system useable by those who just want their computer to work and allow them to get on with their jobs. You wont win any friends at Micro$oft though.

@Billwho:- If you ever want people to forget Bills name, then linux needs to do everything Windows can, and more, and faster, and for free. Ive found "venting off" only serves to put others off and makes me look bad.

Mime types do need an overhaul badly. Files are important to end-users, not programs. Currently when a new linux user clicks on a file that Puppy cannot already open, a cryptic message about "run actions" appears.

A better solution would be to have a "catch-all" mime type for all unrecognised filetypes. It would display an apology that puppy cant open that type of file without additional software, and suggest what programs need to be installed to make the file accessible....perhaps even install it for them. This problem would then not impact the users workflow/productivity as it does now. A list of common file types can be found in wikipedia here..

Yes I realise I come across as a complaining ******, but without feedback, and action being taken on that feedback (whodo) puppy will not get better and useful to more people. Everyone on here shares that aim.[/quote]

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 20:31
by Pizzasgood
Clarification: When I said I had the bulk of the work done, I was referring to setting up Git, not doing the mime-types. I've edited my post to make that more clear. Sorry for confusion.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 22:14
by ecomoney
So right clicking, selecting run action, and typing "defaultmediaplayer" before the "@" in the box that comes up wouldnt do the trick for now then?

Posted: Sun 10 May 2009, 18:42
by ecomoney
meanwhile, back on the topic.....

This bug is still exists in 4.2.1 beta 2

Posted: Mon 11 May 2009, 08:32
by WhoDo
ecomoney wrote:meanwhile, back on the topic.....

This bug is still exists in 4.2.1 RC2
And the patch was definitely included. Seems it's back to the drawing board on MIME-types that point to Abiword, and Abiword support for .docx format.

Abiword support for .docx format.

Posted: Mon 11 May 2009, 10:17
by rwishlaw
WhoDo wrote:
ecomoney wrote:meanwhile, back on the topic.....

This bug is still exists in 4.2.1 RC2
And the patch was definitely included. Seems it's back to the drawing board on MIME-types that point to Abiword, and Abiword support for .docx format.
I have loaded an Office 2007 .docx document into in 4.2.1 RC2 Abiword and the text is readable although an image embedded in the document was not displayed.

Posted: Tue 19 May 2009, 10:46
by gposil
Apart from the embedded image in docx documents (Abiword are addressing that) is anyone still having problems opening docx in Abiword