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Start bar and menu buttons

Posted: Wed 13 May 2009, 17:10
by jamien770


I have downloaded new themes etc, changed the jwm themes searched through too many folders to mention, can any one tell me how i can change the start button on the taskbar, and the main start icons I have the Icons but Bu****** if I can find where they are.


Posted: Wed 13 May 2009, 17:39
by dawnsboy
In order to change the icon on the jwm menu button it necessary to open the .jwmrc-tray file found in the /root directory with a text editor. Click on the "home" icon for quick access to the root directory.

Locate the following lines in the .jwmrc-tray file:
<!-- Additional TrayButton attribute: label -->
<TrayButton label="Menu" icon="mini-dog.xpm">root:3</TrayButton>
Replace "mini-dog.xpm" with the icon of your choice. Some distros will have an icon other than mini-dog.xpm simply replace that icon name with the name of your preferred icon.

Save and close the .jwmrc-tray file.

Restart jwm.


If you do not want the word menu to appear on the button next to the icon then edit label="Menu" to appear as label="".

That should do it.