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Re: xampp

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010, 01:46
by rjbrewer
ragou wrote:Hi everybody.
First I want to apologize - I am not a Linux user or developer. I like puppy linux because it's very fast and reminds me the days when our machines were too slow, with little RAM and with video cards of 1 MB.
The question is - how can I install xampp and how can I run it?
For example - I have xampp in Windows and when I press "xampp_start.exe" I have a server and that's all. It is located on my hard disk at the (for example) E:\xampp\htdocs\ and it's URL is http://localhost/. In my Windows meaning, what have I to do to start the server in puppy environment?
If there are answers ( I hope so), please give them to me in a understandable language. Something like "login as root and su and so on" means nothing to me. Just a simple explanation step by step.
I have been noticed that Linux users are speaking in a language that they only can understand. It is something I can understand, but I use Windows for almost 20 years. Russians for example call drivers "wood", CPU "stone" etc. because they want to show that they are an elite and unique community. I am not. I just want to try Linux. Don't let me be misunderstood - my machine is fast enough to run any OS. I just want to try. But when I am in Puppy, a can't do anything except clicking on icons, but if I am able to setup my own server I will be able to do something. I am C++ an VB programmer (VB 6 is my love), but I wrote my last application 3 years ago, now I want to do something with Linux. It's not for money - I am retired (58 years old).
It became too long and too many words - "Finaldia" and "Heineken" is to blame.
Best regards
This thread is for web designers;
try this one: PupServer-435

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2010, 23:29
by Atle

If you ftp your way into, you find the official puppy versions. Me I am stuck in 5.10, as its the only puppy that has wood for my weird modems. If you chose that or the 5.1.1. Install, but do not chose tosave pupfile. Boot from stone and then rebot again, this time choosing to save a Pupsave file to stone. When booted again you can then proceed to download and install this file: ...

It contains:
Hiawatha 7.3
MariaDB - (Formerly known as mysql) 5.1.47
PHP 5.3.3 - using the new Fast CGI manager
and PhpMyAdmin 3.3.5

If 5.10 is chosen due to it wood for modems, you must install one webbrowser from the Quickpet or so. There are also other Pup
py versions with Apache server etc, but they are in lack of these modem drivers I need. But they are built on older base system than the above mentioned, so I personally like the newer stuff.

Apart from that i would also recommend TurboPuppy, as showcase for how fast Puppy can get. Download here: ... eme_v1.iso

That is not a webserver, but if you look around the forum, it can soon become one. Also there is other superlight Linux versions.

Have a look here for 10mb distro:

Then there is a nice 30mb distro with support for 486 here:

Still, speaking for my self, i find the 5.10 Lucid (puppy linux) to be the best choice, due to the mobile modem support(3g, CDMA what what what)

My p
ersonal aim is to create a Puppy 5.10 Live CD with a webserver running a preinstalled Joomla 1.5.20 for a project i have in Africa, but i have still not succeeded:-(

But i am very close:-)

Fix for mysql failed login

Posted: Sat 23 Oct 2010, 21:25
by growler
I got this PM from Michael


I just installed the latest LHMP-7.3-5.1.47-5.3.3
and was unable to login...

MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

After searching for an answer I found it here: ... sions-unix

execute /etc/init.d/rc.mysqld stop
kill any latent processes
kill `cat /usr/local/bin/`

create mysql-init file, add the following three lines
grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost;
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('woofwoof') WHERE User='root';

execute the following command
mysqld_safe --init-file=/root/mysql-init &

remove the mysql-init file !!

Everything is working great now!

P.S. I don't have an account on the Puppy Linux Forum,
and thought someone else may be having the same login problem. After searching for hours I found the above website
and it had the instructions to fix the login problem. :)

Seeking info on

Posted: Mon 07 Feb 2011, 21:00
by c7jaff
Has anyone else used the pet from here ... that contains these apps?:

Hiawatha 7.3
MariaDB 5.1.47
PHP 5.3.3
PhpMyAdmin 3.3.5

I see it mentioned in the 2 pages below but I have not been able to find much info on how well it works and what type of config/troubleshooting I should be aware of. I have Puppy 5.1.1. I'm somewhat of a noobie and have successfully installed servers one at a time spread out over several months in the past but not all at once. ... 5&start=45
--and here--

Is this .pet referred in any other way besides ""? Is the what is referred to as webERP? I haven't quite acquired a good understanding of what: webERP, Joomlah, and LAMP and XAMPP are yet.

Based on what I've found out so far, looks most appealing to me. That's direction I'd like to go when installing a DB. Any answers and comments on your experiences appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: Tue 08 Feb 2011, 03:56
by growler
I created it ... works well for me every day!

Happy to answer any queries or issues you may have with it.
It is called

LHMP because:
- Linux
- Hiawatha - in most such bundles this component is Apache - hence LAMP
- Maria Mysql

7.3 because uses Hiawatha 7.3
5.1.47 because uses Maria Mysql 5.1.47
5.3.3 because uses PHP 5.3.3

It does need a machine with a little more horsepower - than some puppy environments may have though - there is a report of timeout issues on one such humble puppy machine

Nice. Works.

Posted: Tue 08 Feb 2011, 07:44
by c7jaff
I broke the MySQL component when making it more secure but then fixed it after reading your Sat 23 Oct 2010, 17:25 post. At first I didn't think I could get this going in one night but I did and it works. I did notice 3 minor things in case you want to know about them:

I got this minor error message but it doesn't seem to matter:
# /etc/init.d/rc.httpd start
Error binding

I also thought I didn't have to start MySQL just after installing (I know I don't after a reboot) but maybe I missed something:
# /etc/init.d/rc.mysqld start
sh-3.00# 110207 17:22:25 mysqld_safe Logging to '/usr/local/var/puppypc.err'.
110207 17:22:25 mysqld_safe A mysqld process already exists

I had to reinstall "" to take a screen pic of the installation splash screen because it didn't stay up long enough for me to take notes on it the first time.

Anyway, now I also understand LAMP vs LHMP and I'm glad this is running. Thanks for all and great work growler!

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 16:23
by rolf
As I'm trying to set up a webserver on an Igel thin client, 300MHz Geode processor, 256M ram,
my first try is with the pup-431-small iso, guessing it might have advantages for the server's limited resources, not too sure it's the best choice, see below. This makes not work, needed a library compiled with a newer gcc, afaict. Phil has sent me an older that works but is giving me errors.

Referring to Growler's weberp page and throwing google hit suggestions at it, plus employing Michael's workaround from above, I've run mysql_install_db, successfully, but keep getting a socket connection error.
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp' (111)
Since it is excruciating to troubleshoot this on 300MHz/256M, I've booted to this CF on my desktop, posting from that, and get some interesting new results, starting with an oldie but goodie:

Code: Select all

# /usr/local/bin/mysql_secure_installation 


In order to log into MySQL to secure it, we'll need the current
password for the root user.  If you've just installed MySQL, and
you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank,
so you should just press enter here.

Enter current password for root (enter for none): 
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp' (111)
Enter current password for root (enter for none): 

Cleaning up...
# # mysql -u root -p woofwoof
# # mysql -u root -p woofwoof
# ps aux|grep mys
root      8577  0.0  0.0   2228  1180 ?        S    07:56   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --user=nobody --pid-file=/usr/local/var/
nobody    8848  0.0  0.3  90708 11532 ?        Sl   07:56   0:00 /usr/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local --datadir=/usr/local/var --user=nobody --log-error=/usr/local/var/puppypc.err --pid-file=/usr/local/var/ --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock --port=3306
root     14630  0.0  0.0   1656   556 pts/0    R+   08:41   0:00 grep mys
Hmmm, I don't understand why the command from the weberp page just returns to prompt, so I try going to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.php and can see the page, with a notice that I'd, also, like help with, please:

The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).
I don't know if Seamonkey has saved credentials for this page (I've been able to get here, before; it seems I can browse all the phpmyadmin pages) but I'm going to give it a rest, wait for the wisdom to point my way forward. :)

Forward-looking statement, I've got GF's website running Joomla but I'm interested in making this simple page (as in Seamonkey Composer simple, e.g. 8) ) with my low-skilz unwebmaster abilities.


Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 19:04
by rolf
Hmmm, I don't understand why the command from the weberp page just returns to prompt
That would be because I copy/pasted the # prompt :oops:

Without that, I am prompted for the password and, when I give woofwoof, get an error:

Code: Select all

# mysql -u root -p woofwoof
Enter password: 
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'woofwoof'

unknown db woofwoof

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 19:47
by growler
Do"nt have a space between the "-p" and "woofwoof"

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2011, 21:25
by rolf
Ah, that's the ticket. New login works at the phpmyadmin page. Thanks!

the old Webserver puppy

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2011, 13:16
by keiffee0521
i have used the old webserver puppy.iso and have done for the past 2/3 years, all has been working fine and i have got 2 grate websites that i have made for training kids.

i have installed this on the a HDD, and i think i did a none MBR install. the PC has been stored for about 8 months and not used all was working with it unit i plug it in today to make sure that all is still well now.

I had problems booting up it got so far then hung... couldn't mount the DVD drive... then rebooted and had problems with line 36 in GRUB rebooted then problems with line 37 in GRUB. now i get errors trying to boot GRUB.

Now the power of RTFS tells me that there might be a problem with GRUB. As im not a GRUB person..... (or a GRUBy if you see what i mean). I have taken this HDD and put it in my Ubuntu desktop to see if i can access it this will not mount .. so take it that its cos i have done a none MBR install. so i have done a "scandisk" using Disk Utility and that has shown that i have got 3 sectors errors. i bet this has got to be in the GRUB part of the disk. (just a guess).

How could i fix this if the HDD will not boot? its just that i would love to save the websites i have made on the HDD. (they are written in Pluck so no DB to worry about

Re: the old Webserver puppy

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2011, 14:37
by grimoire
Hi! Do you have any youtube tutorials,like how to make a server using
Webserverpuppy LAMP and XAMPP? :)


Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2011, 18:12
by keiffee0521
Dose anyone still have this puppy ISO anywhere on there system

Download and information:

As we all know that this link is not there anymore. the only good news is that brouserpup is still there and is being updated. good work with that i love it and put it on as meany systems as i can for use in the labs.

OR .....

Is there a puppy that has got a already done / setup and working with the following. ........

- Bluefish web development studio
- Medit text editor
- Apache webserver
- Mysql
- phpMyAdmin
- PureFTP or ProFTPD FTP-server
- Seamonkey Web-browser and composer
- gFTP Its just that most of the hardware we ... all done)

Re: the old Webserver puppy

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 00:26
by rolf
keiffee0521 wrote: I had problems booting up it got so far then hung... couldn't mount the DVD drive...
DVD's go stale and, if you were running a live CD/DVD, I'd be thinking of that. However, you say this is a hard disk install, so I don't see how the DVD drive enters into it. If you're not booting from it, you could try disconnecting it.
How could i fix this if the HDD will not boot? its just that i would love to save the websites i have made on the HDD. (they are written in Pluck so no DB to worry about
With a working DVD/CD drive, I would suggest booting some livecd, e.g. Puppy, and trying to mount that drive, try to figure out what's wrong. Precise information wrt actual actions taken and the results, including exact messages from the screen, are what is needed for a remote diagnosis.

If nothing was done but shutting down the machine for a long period, then starting it up, it's hard to imagine what is the problem. If something was changed, that is, also, important information.

I would say, if the disk can't be mounted, there's something wrong with the partition table, whether disk failure or inadvertent formatting. (Aside: there has to be support for the filesystem in the kernel in order to mount a partition, e.g. I've got a reiserfs4 partition but have to boot a kernel with that enabled in order to mount and view it.)

I've had some success with photorec and testdisk for retrieving files from a fubar disk:

Going a little deeper toward mechanically failing and soon to be completely dead drive, there is Spinrite by Gibson: which is a retail product.


Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2011, 03:16
by rolf
To finish this chapter, I've got the Igel thin client serving and, after

Code: Select all

[rolf@salon ~]$ uptime
 09:09:04 up 94 days, 42 min,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
on the first server, our website is drawing less than 100W 24/7/365.25 :)

Currently perched on top of the former, power-sucking mini tower:
29 April 2010, 10:30
missing line:
ExecuteCGI = yes

CGIextension = cgi
That bit of hiawatha.conf from the Hiawatha Forum was the last of many stabs in the dark by this noob to website admin, thanks to google and thanks to you, Phil, for your help. :)

Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2011, 05:46
by technosaurus
I've been working on some cgi functions for busybox ash that are also compatible with busybox httpd... not ready for users, but may be of use to bash/html coders for creating simple dynamic pages. The whole thing with kernel should fit on a floppy.

Download site is down

Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2011, 02:02
by Proudog
Is not possible get a Iso image of LAMP or XAMPP webserverpuppy (the link is out of line)

Where I can download a copy?


Posted: Sun 26 Jun 2011, 18:07
by CatDude
Hello Proudog

You can grab a copy of webserverpuppyx1.iso
here: I believe this is the version with Apache and ProFTPD (96 MB)


Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2011, 17:20
by marque
Hi all!

Very nice distribution Catdude. This seems to be the perfect solution for me to change a thin client (HP Compaq T5000) into a webserver. I'm able to boot Webserver Puppy (webserverpuppyx1.iso) from a USB-drive and so far everything looks quite OK, exept for the internet connection. I tried several settings (dynamic & static IP's) using the wizard to connect (on different pc's) to the www. I didn't get connection errors, but I couldn't browse the internet with Seamonkey or ping webpages from the terminal.

Does someone have a clue? Do I miss something setting up the internetconnection? I really think this webserver edition is awesome and perfectly 'intended' for my 733Mhz / 128Mb DDR RAM thin client.

Hope to hear some tips :D

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 13:21
by CatDude
Hello marque

Welcome to the kennels.
marque wrote:..Very nice distribution Catdude.
Thanks :lol: , but i had nothing to do with it's creation.
I simply uploaded a copy (for those who wanted it) as the original download link is broken.

As to the problem with your connection,
i suggest you start a new thread and provide as much information as possible regarding your hardware.
