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Released 4.20p1-JP

Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2009, 06:00
by YoN

We Team Puppy Linux Japan released Puppy-4.20p1-JP.
This is fixed version of 4.20JP.

Web site:

Revision points are;

1: Supported an NTFS format of Windows (Multi Bite Language). < from 4.20JP

2: init in initrd.gz - Cancellation of the malfunction that does not boot with less than implementation RAM256MB.

3: pupsave - Cancellation of the malfunction that a save file cannot make when Puppy has double figures of partition numbers.
Revised the default of the destination of the personal save file. (When it was installed Frugal, synchronized it with the drive, a folder). < Our forum member Shino's bar created.
His pupsave's site:

4: pmount - Cancellation of the malfunction to fail in mounting it of etx2/ext3 and iso9660.

5: Copied /usr/lib/ in /usr/lib/ (for Xsane)

6: remax - Revise a bug to be often hung up, in addition, could appoint a directory replacing with a Live CD (based on head family 4.2.1).

7: /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d - Cancellation of the malfunction that desk top drive icons lap over at the same place with specific resolution.


Thank you.

Posted: Sun 14 Jun 2009, 01:58
by puppyiso


Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2009, 01:25
by YoN

puppy-4.20p1-JP screenshot is here.
SeaMonkey 1.1.15 and Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22 plug-in.