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Make blank Pupsave

Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2009, 17:06
by dejan555
EDIT: For latest version check this post ... 008#813008

If anyone has problems saving session to file or needs a way to create blank savefile, here's the script, it installs under utillities in menu.
If anyone wants to make little hack to add option for making new (customized name e.g. pup_save-dejan.2fs) file please post new script/pet here. Thanks to Bruce for explaining me his method of creating blank pupsave b4. After you create new pup_save in folder where you installed frugal puppy it will be used next time you reboot.

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 13:18
by musher0
Thanks, dejan555. That can be pretty handy.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 09:23
by Sylvander
1. Pupsave install wanted.
sdb2/06-Drake/puppy_drake_0.1.sfs is in place.
But booted Drake won't make pupsave at shut-down/reboot.

2. Attempting to make suitably named pupsave beside the sfs file. [What name required?]
The program complains there are no frugal files to be found, so won't make the pupsave.
Does make_pupsave only work with frugal installs?

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 10:10
by dejan555
Sylvander wrote:1. Pupsave install wanted.
sdb2/06-Drake/puppy_drake_0.1.sfs is in place.
But booted Drake won't make pupsave at shut-down/reboot.
I assume this is some puplet?
The program complains there are no frugal files to be found, so won't make the pupsave.
Does make_pupsave only work with frugal installs?
Well pupsave are mostly used with frugal installs, don't know why would you need it with full install.
make_pupsave script asks you for directory where to create savefile, then it checks if vmlinuz is in same directory so it's sure you made savefile in correct place. Maybe you can make dummy text file named 'vmlinuz' in that dir if you really want it there instead besides vmlinuz.

Also, I checked this script again now, since it's older script it formats savefile ext2 and adds .2fs extension. Don't know if that would be optimal for your puppy.

If you want to create this manually, this is basically the code you need from that script:

Code: Select all

cd /mnt/sdb2 #or any other dir
dd if=/dev/zero of=pup_save.2fs bs=1M count=512 #replace 512 with your desired size in MBs
mkfs.ext2 pup_save.2fs #or mkfs.ext3/4 depending on what your puppy use and also rename savefile with apropriate name/extension

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 13:46
by Sylvander
1. "I assume this is some puplet?"
drake-0.1.iso is Barry Kaulers latest offering.

2. "don't know why would you need it with full install"
As I said in my post above...
This is a pupsave install.
i.e. Boot a "live" CD-RW, make a pupsave, sfs copied beside the pupsave.

3. "since it's older script it formats savefile ext2 and adds .2fs extension. Don't know if that would be optimal for your puppy"
No, it isn't.
I'd like it to be a .3fs [ext3 Linux filesystem] pupsave.

4. "If you want to create this manually, this is basically the code you need from that script:
Thanks muchly...
Will try that ASAP, and get back.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 13:57
by dejan555
OK, gonna check his blog... oh i remember he wanted to make a puppy with mageia packages...

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 15:47
by Sylvander
Here's what I see in my terminal window:

Code: Select all

# cd /mnt/home/06-Drake
# dd if=/dev/zero of=puppy_drake_01.3fs bs=1M count=512
512+0 records in            
512+0 records out
536870912 bytes (537 MB) copied, 24.578 s, 21.8 MB/s
# mkfs.ext3 puppy_drake_01.3fs
mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
puppy_drake_01.3fs is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
32768 inodes, 131072 blocks
6553 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=134217728
4 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
8192 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
	32768, 98304

Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 23 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
A 512MB puppy_drake_01.3fs file was made. :D
Does it look good to you?

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 15:47
by stu90
Hi dejan555,
Just seen this topic - I have made a hack on your script ( see download below)
I changed the GUI to Yad, i also added the option to name the new save file and the option to make save file from 32mb - 1GB


I don't know anything about the command used to make the save file 2.fs ( used what was in your origional script) so i was wondering is there a similar command to make the save file 3.fs insted of 2.fs - Is it just a case of swapping the save file extension or is there more to it?


Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 17:30
by dejan555
@Sylvander Looks good!

@stu90 Yes, there's a difference, like I said mkfs.ext2 command formats to ext2 filesystem, but newer pups use ext3 or ext4 probably

typing "mkfs" [TAB] in terminal gives me these formating mkfs commands

Code: Select all

# mkfs
mkfs           mkfs.ext3      mkfs.minix     mkfs.reiser4   mkfs.xfs
mkfs.cramfs    mkfs.ext4      mkfs.msdos     mkfs.reiserfs
mkfs.ext2      mkfs.ext4dev   mkfs.ntfs      mkfs.vfat
EDIT: Maybe add additional field/dropdown menu to choose format? I wanted to keep it dead simple though and in that time all pups used ext2 for savefiles by default i think.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2011, 19:48
by stu90
Hello dejan555,

Here is another update - need testing to make sure the save file is in the correct format.


run script from /root directory.


Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2011, 11:08
by stu90
Though i better do some testing - made a new ext3 save file for frugal installed Lucid-260 all seems to work / boot ok.


Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 11:33
by stu90
Here is a .pet of the above with some minor changes - as it is now fairly different to dejan555's origional Make Pupsave i called this version simpleSAVE

requires Yad, download on this link: ... 647#539647

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 11:48
by dejan555
I added note to first post about your version.
BTW, what do you like about yad, is it scripting syntax, is it faster then gtkdialog?
I see you are converting many scripts to use yad.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2011, 12:11
by stu90
Thanks dejan555,
Im not sure, i guess i just find Yad easier to use then gtkdialog - the actual gui's for yad in most cases are only a couple of lines long, they are just let down by my poor script writing :lol:
There is a trade off though as Yad is pretty rigid with its GUI - you cant have the customaziation, layout and features you get with gtkdialog.

simpleSAVE 0.4

Posted: Sat 09 Jul 2011, 15:00
by L18L
Sylvander wrote: Attempting to make suitably named pupsave beside the sfs file. [What name required?]
I have tested simpleSAVE 0.4 in drake01.

My drake01 is in /mnt/home/drake01
The existing save files in this directory are:
drakesave-fido.2fs and drakesave-root.2fs

Using the script 1st time I have got an error and fixed it by adding one line

Code: Select all

  ## get new save file size ##
  SIZE=`echo $SETUP | cut -d "|" -f 2`
  SIZE=`echo $SIZE | tr "," "."`
This was because decimal point is comma in my locale

file name drakesave-test was working successfully.

yad is fun :)

Simple PupSave 0.5 20130420

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2013, 13:49
by ASRI éducation
There are some days, I found this thread. Like you, I think the utility 'MakePupSave/SimpleSave' is a good idea.

Based on SimpleSave-0.4, I made ​​some modifications:
- added localisation, help , information
- test pupmode & Yad presence
- detect save folder directory (RSH method)
- added .4fs
- lang : en, fr, de
- and other...

1 - I can not add a third format in the main GUI, I wanted to offer three choices (ext2/ext3/ext4).
2 - I am looking for translators (to check the English translation and translated into other languages).


Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2013, 15:03
by R-S-H
Hi ASRI éducation.

That's pretty cool!

Meanwhile I did made some work on this as well and have created also a GUI version of the SimpleSave Script. It shows all existing save files inside the gui and has option to remove them, if not longer needed/wanted.

But you are a little faster to publish, so, will keep it private.

I've had a look into your script and found some missing stuff

- the MSGMODEX definitions inside the script are missing the $ in front of it

- to have ext2, ext3, ext4 as a choice inside the yad gui do use

Code: Select all

--field="$FIELDFORMAT":CB "ext2!ext3!ext4" \
Works over here (yad 0.12).

Hope that helps



The script getbootdir to detect the boot directory / save folder is made by myself, that's right so far as your script says.

But the method to get the $APPDIR and the $TMPLANG is the older so called zigbert method.

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2013, 15:31
by ASRI éducation
R-S-H wrote:Meanwhile I did made some work on this as well and have created also a GUI version of the SimpleSave Script. It shows all existing save files inside the gui and has option to remove them, if not longer needed/wanted.
Very good news!
You are obviously much better than me to write a script.
Users will obviously gain.
If I can help, you know where contact me.

Simple PupSave 0.6

Posted: Wed 24 Apr 2013, 10:23
by ASRI éducation
With the help of RSH, Simple PupSave now version 0.6

- Fixed default save directory.
- $DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX is now added to the given save file name.
- Added creation of save file put into a back end script.
- Updated the getbootdir script.
- Added German locales.


20130510 SimplePupSave v0.7

Posted: Fri 10 May 2013, 12:52
by ASRI éducation
20130510 SimplePupSave v0.7

Visually, it hardly change anything for the user, I basically tried to improve the background tasks.

- Variables: added values ​​pupsave size min/max & default format
- Help: added new tab
- Change the full name of the file pupsave
- Bug fix: now the utility warns if a pupsave file with the same name already exists
- Update translations fr-en-de
- Added information during creation of pupsave file
- Improving information pupmode

Improvements I have not succeeded
1 - The main window (written with yad) exit/restart when the user clicks on the buttons 'space free/help/information': it is not useful and it is inconvenient for the user who loses every time choices (directory, size, name, format). Does anyone know how to prevent exit/restart of the main window?
2 - Help GUI (gtk) offers a window whose height is too high. Does anyone know how to limit its height?

Improvements I have not tried
- View the list of existing pupsave files.
- Propose to remove existing pupsave files.
- Automatically check the free space on the home partition before creating the new pupsave file.
