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dhcpcd in rc.local not working in cross-imaged puppy

Posted: Mon 20 Jul 2009, 16:58
by turbodig
I've got the following in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local: (Puppy 4.21)
(I've got the appropriate nic modules loading at boot)

Code: Select all

ifconfig eth0 up
rm /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.*
sleep 5
dhcpcd -t 10 eth0

.... but, I get no IP address.

.....but, if I open an xterm window and type:

dhcpcd -t 10 eth0

I get an IP address, and it works fine, until the next reboot. It's as if the rc.local happens too soon for dhcpcd to be able to work?

If I use the puppy Network setup wizard, it also seems to work fine.
(even after the reboot)

I guess my question, really, is what does the network wizard do under the covers, when you click 'save'?



Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 06:16
by Buenavista
Hi chaps,

Exactly the same issue for me. No reply!

In fact the wizzard perform well, but it doesn't save the config. What happened?


Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012, 08:14
by disciple
You'd be much better off posting in a new thread.

Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2012, 09:31
by Buenavista

Well this post is referenced in google (that's how I am here), so somebody having the same issue would land here directly isn't it?

A new post would not be refferenced imediatly and I think the solution would have to be newly posted again and again (I am pretty sure that's what happened anyway ... unfortunately the reference in google is just a question with no answer). In fact that the whole problematic behind posting new every time ... That does a bad interaction with google referencing (And google is far better than the search feature of the forum even if it's pretty good. In addition google is even recommended on top of the search feature ...).

In fact I meet a lot of issues, with puppy even if it remains appealing. For me that's quite natural since both windows and unbuntu comes with their numerous issues, but most of the post dealing with my issues are empty answer, while I know this is something that have been dealt.

So the real solution would be that an experimented chaps post the link of the best solution, if any ! I am a Puppy linux newbie (I don't like this non respectuous pejorative "Newbie" but anyway) so I am suggesting the following:

I would try the following tonight:

And keep this referenced post up do tade if it works.


Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2012, 21:42
by Buenavista
Hi chaps,

What is suggested in the link that I posted previously is ok. It works for puppy528. Please find here a quick resume:
Open a terminal then go to
and create a file (ex type geany with the following contains:

iwconfig eth1 key 000000
rm -f /var/lib/dhcpcd/*.info
rm -f /var/run/*.pid
dhcpcd -t 30 -h puppyc -d eth1

of course eth1 and 0000000 should be adapted to your environment.

then save and close the file and type in the terminal
chmod 755

(normaly this file should run your wifi config ok, you could give try by typing the comand: /etc/rc.d/ )

then open the file and go down to the end before the word "exit" then type:
#Johnny Omara FEB 2012
echo "Get an access to internet">/dev/console


And then it should work perfectly.

Form my own perspective I think erasing the whole and puting there the manual config would be an optimisation. Maybe not...
