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My Space is Filling Up (Full Install)

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009, 13:24
by davec51
I installed Puppy 4.2.1 on a partition of about 8G. I haven't added much (Firefox, Java). Now I see that about 5G is being used. Where is it, and how can I get rid of what seems like a great deal of superfluous usage? I don't store documents, music, or pictures on that partition.

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009, 14:02
by mikeb
Check places like /root/.mozilla...firefox can fill it up .
Look at /tmp with hidden files showing...these are not cleared at shutdown.
/var/spool/cups....sometimes leaves files in there.
Are you using ext2 or 3....if ext2 run a fsck somehow...might recover space.
/dev/stdin stdout stderr...make sure these are not files.
I would recommend gdmap to scan for usage but it's no longer in puppy.
Do a search for large files....see what that brings.


Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009, 14:21
by rjbrewer
With a full install I might see 500mb being used, but definitely
not 5 gb.
Run gparted and see what used and unused says.

Good Destinations

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009, 17:35
by davec51
rjbrewer: I did use gparted to find what space was used and unused.
mikeb: Thanks for the leads.

Space Filling Up -- solved!

Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2009, 16:22
by davec51
I finally found where the 5G was hiding: /root/.local/share/trash/files. Every .iso I downloaded was in there. It wasn't easy to delete it; the material kept getting dumped into a Trash receptacle that couldn't be deleted. I booted into another version of Puppy (fugal) and then was able to get rid of it. Now I'm the proud possesor of about 8G of free space again. Thanks again to all who offered advice.

Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2009, 19:12
by rjbrewer
Strange; I have 4 different full installs presently, none has
a /root/.local/share/trash/files path.

This tip (courtesy of Pizzasgood) helps save space.

In a full-hd install, /tmp is just a normal directory, and Puppy doesn't bother trying to clear it. So the /tmp/bootcnt.txt file persists between sessions if X is not shut down properly, and prevents it from autostarting.

You should be able to start X by just running startx or xwin. That will reset things and you'll be back to normal.

If you want to prevent it from happening again, you could add a line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local like this:

rm -f /tmp/bootcnt.txt

Keeping seamonkey cache small helps too.

Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2009, 21:19
by davec51
rjbrewer: In /root/.local/share/trash I no longer have a "files" file. Apparently it is created when I download files such as .iso's. Anyway, that's where the offending 5G was.

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 08:30
by Sylvander
I've just finished moving my BoxPup .mozilla folder [conventional install on an internal ext2 Linux partition] to an automagically mounted storage location [spare ext3 Linux partition on the internal HDD].

See the details that I recorded here on my Puppy Linux thread at the PC-Guide forums.

Give it a try; it worked 1st time for me. :D

Produced a significant increase in the free space on the BoxPup partition.

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 11:28
by mikeb
I finally found where the 5G was hiding: /root/.local/share/trash/files. Every .iso I downloaded was in there. It wasn't easy to delete it; the material kept getting dumped into a Trash receptacle that couldn't be deleted.
That sounds like a bug to me......I wonder if any puppy developer would be interested in such information


Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 13:25
by rjbrewer
There is no path to trash that starts with /root/.local/share.

What's going on here?

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 15:10
by Sylvander
1. "There is no path to trash that starts with /root/.local/share"
(a) There IS on my BoxPup folder/file system.
See screenshot below.

What are these things? :?
Can I safely delete the contents of that trash folder?

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 16:13
by rjbrewer
Nowhere in the thread did davec51 mention boxpup!

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 19:05
by Sylvander
Hmmm, I don't understand why that would make a difference...

But I do notice that if I boot into Puppy Linux version 4.2.1-rc3...
There is indeed no "trash" folder under /root/.local/share.

Still none the wiser! :?

Posted: Fri 28 Aug 2009, 19:28
by rjbrewer
1. It gives the impression that 4.2.1 has a bug, when the
problem is in the puplet.

2. It's a real pain trying to diagnose a problem when your not
even disussing the same version.

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 00:35
by Rope
Sorry if it wrong to revive an old thread, but I wanted to report I have the same problem with files under /root/.local/share/Trash/ and I am using Slacko 5.5

The trash bin looks empty but there are files in /root/.local/share/Trash/ like files from a copy that I cancelled and other.

I will delete them. I hope it is ok.

Any way to prevent remaining trash files?

Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2013, 01:36
by rjbrewer
That thread was about "full" installs.
They don't have that file.

trash folder prob

Posted: Sat 13 Jul 2013, 03:42
by donkeymilk
rjbrewer wrote:That thread was about "full" installs.
They don't have that file.
For any one thats interested,iso's piling up in trash folder happens in other distros aswell.
i was using lubuntu grub'n'iso to install peppermint 4 on my non pae dell d505. i renamed peppermint 4 iso to lubuntu iso,and used it to replace the lubuntu.iso in grub'n'iso (this is after having booted into the live grub'n;iso desktop)i rebooted and peppermint 4 installer icon was sitting on the desktop i could then install it fromthere,though you have to install fakepae.deb before rebooting to stop your nonpae computer from booting.
Anyway the Grub'n'iso img is about 1.5gb so i was trying other distros to see if i could get them installed on dell nonpae computer and i kept running out of space ,due to the limitations of the grub'n;iso img size.
i discover in the lost and found folder was a trash folder holding previous iso i deleted.
So it's not just happening pups.