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1.0.2 pup001 NTFS problems

Posted: Sun 05 Jun 2005, 09:31
by PeterSieg
Hi. Just want to let you know, I had a change to test Puppy 1.0.2 (50m version)
with WinXP yesterday.

So I downloaded the and expanded it onto c: in the top dir.
Bootet with Puppy, found the pup001 file -- all ok.
Now at the second boot, complains about dirty file system .. run chkdsk.. run windows..?
and won't use the pup001 file..??

Bootet WinXP (strange behaviors).ok.Bootet Puppy it could use pup001 just
fine..? Rebootet Puppy.. and again complains about dirty file system .. run chkdsk.. run windows..?

So it seems, that you MUST boot windows between 2 Puppy boots??!

That is of course at situation not acceptable :)


Posted: Sun 05 Jun 2005, 15:39
by rarsa
I am getting the same behaviour.

If I use 1.0.2 on my XP laptop it corrupts the NTFS system and XP ran chkdsk upon start up.

After the second time it did that, I decided not to risk it and went back to use 1.0.1. I haven't had a problem since.

I'm using exactly the same pup001 file

I was using the 1.0.2 opera version.

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2005, 01:11
by BarryK
That's bad news.
The ntfs support in the latest 2.6 kernel is supposed to be much more advanced than that provided in the 2.4.27 kernel -- that kernel has a patch for ntfs write support, but it is quite an old patch.

Expansion of NTFS Pup001 file

Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2005, 05:12
by PakRat
PakRat here, goofed on my login as using a link to get here..

I just used your version 1.0.1 puppy iso and pup001 file and followed the directions and easily expanded the pup001 file from 262,144k to 762,144k using a 512000000 command in the instructions instead of the 128000000 recomended. I see no reason why it would not accept other commands , as long as you have enough hard drive space (and patience-- no % scrolls or hourglass). Then delete the .bak and extra files as necessary to save space..after assuring all files are transfered to their proper directories.. As for updating to the next level of Puppy, I have not tried it yet.. bd

Posted: Tue 07 Jun 2005, 02:04
by BarryK
Yes, wait for Pup 1.0.3
...we are going back to the 2.4 kernel!